Season 4 Ep 1 : Surprise?

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'I found Seonghwa'

At that moment Hongjoong couldn't think straight. He tried understanding what San said but he was slowly losing those memories. 'W-Who's Seonghwa?' Hongjoong said rubbing his head. The others looked at each other.. 'shit he's losing those memories, we have to keep them NOW' Yunho said and they laid Hongjoong on the floor.

'Close your eyes hyung.' Yunho said and started concentrating. The other 2 did the same and there was this glowing circle around them. Hongjoong felt dizzy so he closed his eyes.

'I love you Hongjoong.'

That was all he could hear and then he felt a shiver on his heart. He sat up right away and breathed in some air. The boys became worried and now Hongjoong was in Yunho's arms. The door opened revealing 3 strangers and Jongho coming inside. 'Okay we lost them-' the guy said. 'uhm Seonghwa don't turn around like not at all..' 'W-why n-not Y-Yeos-sangie?' Seonghwa froze in his spot.

'Who are you guys?' Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa immediately freaked out. 'U-uhm s-sorry w-we were-' 'We got chased by some bullies so we needed a quick place to hide.' Jongho explained. Hongjoong looked at Jongho and then at the 3 other boys. This Seonghwa boy was trying to not look at Hongjoong but to the ground. It made his glasses fall down to the ground so he quickly bowed down but Hongjoong was quicker as he had super speed.

Seonghwa was amazed and started blushing. In his head "S-stop blushing Park..." Seonghwa was too busy in his thoughts so he didn't realize that Hongjoong had to do it all himself. Seonghwa was now starring and flustered by the boy. 'So your the newbie called Seonghwa hm?' Hongjoong said making his eyes glow blue (blue eyes can mean a flirting/kind manner or a sad manner.)

Hongjoong sniffed around him and smelled nothing. Hongjoong became a little bit confused onto why he couldn't smell anything from Seonghwa.' Y-you won't smell a-anything from m-me, i-I'm a h-human well h-half?-' Seonghwa got stopped mid-sentence by Hongjoong shushing him. 'Don't worry, you'll be my first human friend.' Hongjoong said smiling and sitting down beside him.

'tell me more about you Hwa.' Hongjoong said crossing his arms and smiling at him. Seonghwa was flustered but he breathed in n out, he finally had some courage. 'well y-you know my name, I-im 15 years o-old and I got sent h-here by my F-Fa-Father..' Seonghwa said while hugging his knees. Hongjoong patted his head and Seonghwa got comfortable with it. 'I heard about your uncle being my parents rivals.' Hongjoong said facing him. 'Y-you won't do a-anything t-to me r-right?' Seonghwa asked wiping his tears away.

'You seem like the special kinds.. I can't really mess you up..' Hongjoong said but Seonghwa was thinking very differently aha aha ;)

'I've b-been to s-shy but i-I'm glad to b-become friends with y-you- but you don't become friends with d-downers.' Seonghwa said. 'Maybe it's time to let my image die a bit down. Besides that my parents would love to meet a more lovely kind of the Park family.' Hongjoong said while smiling. Seonghwa giggled and slapped his shoulder playfully. 'I'm glad to see you smile Seonghwa, it makes me feel happier. You really make an impact on people, but.. I don't want you to be treated like sh1t okay.' Hongjoong said.

Seonghwa felt so thankful for these words. 'and I would totally love for you to keep being in love with me.' Hongjoong quickly said while holding his chin. Seonghwa was flustered and only looked at those ocean eyes of his. 'reading minds huh mr. Kim.' Seonghwa said caressing Hongjoong's hand. 'Are you flirting with me Park?' 'And do you still think I don't remember what we had in that simulator..' Seonghwa looked into Hongjoong's eyes.

'I know I love you, Kim Hongjoong.'

To be continued.

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