Season 4 Ep 3 : Wanting

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Seonghwa walked up to Wooyoung's front door but then he got a huge headache. He fell onto the ground and fainted.

Everything was pitch black and Seonghwa only saw 2 people infront of him. 'Seonghwa.. I love you with all my heart but.. We can't be together.' 'But Hongjoong please!'

Out of nowhere Hongjoong left Seonghwa there in the cold..

It turned pitch black again and then 2 other people were shown behind Seonghwa again.

'I'm sorry Seonghwa.. Can we atleast stay as friends?' 'No, you broke me and now I have someone else as my comfort.' Seonghwa walked away from Hongjoong and Hongjoong was just left there accepting it.

Out of the blue Seonghwa woke up and coughed out blood. 'Hey hey your okay now! We got you some soup and a towel.' Yeosang said giving him the towel. Seonghwa didn't know but he began tearing up. Seonghwa loved how Hongjoong is and he'll only keep him in his heart even if they can't be together.

Yeosang comforted the elder and just went to wash the towel. Seonghwa bumped the back of his head against the headboard. Tears flowing down and his eyes beginning to become red. Wooyoung came in and saw how pitiful his friend looked. 'Hyung.. I know it's hard for you but I have to accept it too yknow. San and I have just only decided to just stay as friends.' Wooyoung explained.

'I-I accept it t-too it's j-just.. I don't want to l-lose him.' Seonghwa explained. 'as my friend or as my boyfriend I don't care!' Seonghwa screamed it out, pouring his heart out to his friend. Wooyoung walked over to the elder and hugged him. Seonghwa cried on his shoulder for more than 5 minutes. After a while of watching silly Youtube video's Seonghwa finally calmed down. 'Hyung.. You won't lose him.. It's because he has a big heart for you. He'll do anything to protect you even if he has to hurt you.' Yeosang said.

Seonghwa nodded and looked out of the window. It was raining and the clouds were grey. Seonghwa couldn't let Hongjoong go, he doesn't want to lose him. But his friends were right he'll always be there for him. Seonghwa looked at his friends wich fell asleep while watching Twilight. Seonghwa sighed and put a blanket over them. He also adjusted his glasses and looked out the window. His eyes widened.. And then he smiled seeing who it was.

Seonghwa opened the window letting the 3 boys in. It was Hongjoong, San and Jongho.. 'Hey hyung, oh they fell asleep- wah they were watching without us unbelievable.' Jongho said while sitting beside Yeosang and shaking him to wake him up. San smiled back and sat beside Wooyoung and then.. Seonghwa's heart began racing, it was beating so fast that Hongjoong could probably hear it. 'Hey Hwa' was al that he said while smiling at the other.

Hwa was drooling a bit while admiring Hongjoong. But he immediately shook it off and made some space for Hongjoong to sit at. 'Hwa you look a bit pale.. Is everything okay?' Hongjoong said cupping his face. 'I-I'm fine.. I kinda passed out a few hours ago.' Seonghwa explained and Hongjoong put the blanket more onto Seonghwa's side. 'You should rest a bit more hm?' Hongjoong said and Seonghwa was speechless. 'I'm fine Hongjoong.. I don't feel that miserable anymore.' Seonghwa said while smiling.

Hongjoong rolled his eyes and grabbed his phone. He decided to watch something other than Twilight. Seonghwa laughed and so did Hongjoong, the other guys saw how well they fit with each other. This afternoon was going pretty good now that there were more people. Seonghwa slowly fell asleep on Hongjoong's shoulder. Hongjoong looked at Seonghwa and put his glasses on the side table.. But once Hongjoong touched Seonghwa visions started coming up.

It looks like Seonghwa knows it as well.. Hongjoong feels bad for them both and scoffed. Hongjoong felt tears building up in his eyes. And slowly let them drop, he doesn't want Seonghwa to suffer. Even though those visions were fake it still hurts him. 'I'm sorry Hwa..' Hongjoong whispered into Seonghwa's ear.

To be continued

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