Season 4 Ep 7 : Poof

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Seonghwa woke up from the sun shining on his face. He groaned and turned over to Hongjoong's bed side table. Seonghwa grabbed Hongjoong's glasses and put them on. He stood up and walked past his friends going to grab a cup of water. As he walked towards Hongjoong's table he noticed a drawer half open. Seonghwa looked at the lable and saw 'Top secret' so he looked inside of it. But in that moment the drawer got covered up by bodies standing infront of it.

"Y-Yah!.. You guys know way more about that drawer! Let me see tall statues!" Seonghwa said trying to push them away. "Hyung! Hongjoong told me and Mingi to keep ANYONE out of this drawer" Yunho said while Seonghwa only pouted "Is it that bad?" Seonghwa asked to wich the 2 statues crossed their arms. Seonghwa went back to the bed and sat there looking at the 2. Seonghwa crossed his arms and started pouting "You guys are mean.." Seonghwa said "Hyung, if I told you your expectations would've probably gotten alot higher. But we can't tell you yet.." Yunho said while turning to Seonghwa. Seonghwa sighed and hugged Hongjoong's stuffed animal.

Seonghwa closed his eyes for a moment before turning to look out of the window. He doesn't want to go to school but he has to. He was the last one to leave the room, he took a last glance and shut the door. He slid down the door and hugged his knees. Before even walking away he looked around seeing if they have all left. No one was at home so Seonghwa walked back to the room and closed the door behind him. He walked towards the secret drawer and opened it. His eyes scanned through it and completely widened once he saw sketches of himself.

Seonghwa took one drawing out and it said 14th of February... The year was unclear as it was smudged. It was a letter from Hongjoong to Seonghwa for Valentines day. Seonghwa read through it and immediately blushed knowing where this letter is from. 'So we were a problematic couple.. Atleast I had you in that life' Seonghwa thought before sighing. Seonghwa looked at his phone seeing missed calls from Jaehyun.. Seonghwa didn't feel so happy with Jaehyun then with Hongjoong.

Hongjoong plopped back onto the bed and smiled at the letter once again. A tear drop fell as he knew in this life they couldn't be like how they were back then. Seonghwa sniffed and sniffed at those thoughts.. Before he knew it something poofed into the room. Seonghwa hid the paper behind him and wiped away his tears. He then looked at the figure, eyes widening and mouth open. "H-Hongjoong?" Seonghwa said blinking repeatedly "Hey Hwa" was all that Hongjoong spoke out. Seonghwa was happy to see him and  smiled at the younger. Before he knew it tears began running down his face again "I-I mi-missed you" Seonghwa said taking deep breaths "I miss you to.. Hwa, don't cry please" Hongjoong walking towards the elder.

As Hongjoong sat down he patted Seonghwa hair wich Seonghwa could feel slightly. Seonghwa touched his hair and looked back at Hongjoong "W-when will y-you comeback.. To me" Seonghwa asked being a bit shy at the end of the sentence. "Soon Hwa.. Soon" Hongjoong said looking directly at Seonghwa now. Seonghwa giggled while wiping away his tears "I see you've found out about my secret drawer.." Hongjoong said looking behind Seonghwa. Seonghwa was in pure surprise once again and tried changing the object but Hongjoong shushed him.

"Don't lie to me Hwa" Hongjoong said before keeping Hwa's chin up to look at him. Seonghwa felt really flustered and started being shy all over again. Hongjoong smiled once again and looked down at the ground. Hongjoong suddenly thought of something so he stood up and walked towards the drawer. He took out this ring with his levitation powers and walked back to Seonghwa. Seonghwa just looked at him and wiped away his tears "J-Joong what's that?" "It's a ring that I gave you when we first broke up in that other life of ours.." Hongjoong said and gave it to Seonghwa. Seonghwa admired the ring as it was small and fitted just right. He put it on his Forefinger and it made his eyes glow all of a sudden. It gave him a wave shock as well until he noticed what happened "Am I connected to you now?" Seonghwa asked with curiosity.

"You've always been connected to me Hwa, you just haven't realised it yet" Hongjoong said before fading away, Seonghwa wanted to say something but Hongjoong already disappeared. Seonghwa sighed and layed down on the bed playing around with the ring. He smiled and smirked right after thinking about him... Seonghwa walked out of the room putting everything back to normal and running towards the school. Seonghwa missed 2 periods already so he just joined the others as it was lunch.

"Hyung, where were you? You always get on with us at the bus stop" Yunho said crossing his arms "Y-yeah, something came up last minute.." Seonghwa said nervously Yunho could sense him lying "Hyung.. He appeared didn't he?!" Yunho asked widening his eyes knowing exactly what Seonghwa was doing "Y-yes he was.." Seonghwa rubbed his arm in embarrassment but then Yunho held both of his shoulders "Hyung you do realize what this means, right?!" Yunho asked to wich Seonghwa looked weirdly at Yunho.

"He can come back any time soon and when I say soon it really means soon!" Yunho said excitedly showing his golden retriever ears. San ruffled Yunho's hair and ears as he pushed the elder off of Seonghwa. Yunho was so excited to wich he quickly hid his ears."Well well well, if it isn't the suckers from the alleyways, don't have a leader anymore I see" Tom said pointing around to wich Yunho looked very annoyed.

"Fuck off Tom, we don't need your negativity around us" San said stepping up but later gets pushed. Wooyoung catches him and as Tom wanted to use his magic he got attacked by this light source. San noticed the strike that was sent at Tom so he immediately looked to the place where it got shot from. "Hongjoong?" San said with pure shock..

"Hey ya'll" Hongjoong said as he poofed in front of them with ease. Yunho and San smiled at him as they saw their leader back again. But he wasn't fully there but they still appreciated "Kim fucking Hongjoong.." Tom said while looking up at him and smirking "Long time no see mr. Kim" Tom said wiping away the blood on his mouth.

To be continued

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