Season 2 Chapter 4: Unknown Reasons

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Seonghwa was shocked to see that the man he loved was standing right there. He reappeared in his life again, but he could feel that something was off. Something catched his eye.. But what is it exactly?

Why does he have a scar on his head?

Well you see.. He.. He

Spill it!!

FINE.. But don't run away please, He got into a really bad car accident, he lost his memory because of it. The doctors said it couldn't be healed not even by magic. But he still remembers his fellow members but forgot a few.

D.. Does he still.. R.. Remember.. Me?

... Seonghwa let's talk about this later, ple..

I wanna know now! P.. Please just say yes or no. Does he remember me?

N.. No he doesn't remember you...

Seonghwa was devasted, but why was he feeling this way? Could he still have a place for Hongjoong in his heart? He kept on staring with a confused look towards the young gentlemen, he wanted to cry so badly but he was infront of hundrends of people!

I.. I d.. Don't believe you! It can't be..

Eunbi showed him a video of Hongjoong in the hospital saying names he remembers.. And than Seonghwa name being called out and.. It was really upsetting for Seonghwa. Hongjoong said.. 'I never heard of someone called Seonghwa, i don't think that there is a person with that name.'

Seonghwa ran out of the building crying, he ran to the nearest hotel. He ran to the nearest hotel room he could find, He called Wooyoung.

On the phone

Hey hyung! Long time no.. Everything alrigh..

Wooyoung got cut off guard by Seonghwa..

Is it true! Can't he be healed, does he really not remember me?! Wooyoung answer me!

Hyung.. It was complicated.

WHAT WAS COMPLICATED WOOYOUNG TELL ME NOW, i just lost someone import...

You still love him don't you?

Seonghwa was losing his temper and got frustrated with himself while crying his eyes out. Wooyoung could tell that his hyung was frustrated.

Hyung.. He went on a mission to chase someone, and someone's car bumped from the side and back into his. He couldn't control and he didn't have his seatbelt on. He hit his head multiple times on the windows and the dashboard. He lost alot of blood, but he still got to live. Hyung listen closely it was either he dies again remembering us or he lives but doesnt remember certain people. I don't know everything but after the incident we all seperated from eachother, San wanted to stay with Hongjoong so we are with him till this day. Hyung you still there.. Helllooo~

There was a quick 2 min silence, but Wooyoung could still hear him sobbing.

I.. I lost him.. Woo.. *crying*

Hyung please don't cry tell me where you are, I'm in the city i came with him.

I'm at ** hotel..

I'll be right there! Hang on.

With that Wooyoung hangs up, leaving Seonghwa a crying mess.

Seonghwa pov
I said don't leave me.. Why do i have this stupid feelings? UGH so frustrating!

Someone opened the door

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