¿?ChApTeR 17?¿

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(Dipper's POV)

I rubbed my head, my face being so hot that it felt like I had a fever. Aggravation struck me as I stared at my food Mabel got me.

The smell was overwhelmingly good, but I had no intention on eating. My stomach was twisting and turning as I was lost. I looked like a blank face put on a distorted body.

The taste in my mouth still there from...that. His face just full of emotions, some I have never seen before.

I squeezed my legs together as I pushed my food away. Mabel went back out with her friends to do some kind of random shit. I was so distracted and so...needy. I laid my head down. He kept teasing me and it was starting to get to a painful level.

The feeling, I need that again. I need to go through with it all the way or I am going to go insane. The whole time I have been here, I haven't once touch myself or felt the need to pleasure myself, thanks to Bill.

He made me so sick, yet the more he did it. The more the teased me, the more I wanted it.

I was slowly loosing self control. It was getting painful. Yet I have to show him that I am the one who he needs to worry about. I have to make sure everyone knows Bill isn't the murderous demon he was.

There has to be rules so my family is protected and I can only deal with Bill. Though, with Bill messing with me like that, it's getting more difficult to regain my cool. To keep that serious and demanding tone.

A little breath came out as lifted my head a little and ran my fingers through my hair. I was so in the mood right now.

"Damn it Bill." I mumbled and pushed my chair back.

I needed to deal with this by myself since I wouldn't be able to function if I don't. After this though, Bill is going to get a peice of me after I see him. Ohh I am ready to kill that bastard. Right now I couldn't concentrate.

I went in to the bathroom, looking for anyone home as I made my way there. Nobody was hone except Unlce Ford I am pretty sure. Bill disappeared almost an hour ago.

I went into the bathroom and shut the door. I locked it and leaned against the wall next it. The cool wall hitting my hot skin. I just need to do this real quick and then I'll be fine.

Bill saying 'good luck'. Yeah right, what luck do I need? All the luck I need is privacy.

I let out a breath as I was finally alone. My hand went through my hair once again as my other hand started to roam my body. What bill has done to me makes me want more. Makes me need it.

I didn't want to admit it, but Bill has turned me on hard. The way we moves and looks at me drives me nuts.

I covered my eyes and tilt my head up as the pleasure wanted out. I unzipped my pants. The need becoming bigger. I wont do as good as Bill has, but it will be fine. I dont need him.

I dont need him.

A muffled and quite noise of pleasure came out as I was getting ready. Just moving my clothes was enough to give me some waves of pleasure. Just that bit felt so good.

My finger tips entered my rim of boxers before my hands were slammed to the side of my head. I let out a yelp in suprise and flinched.

Suprise suprise, it was Bill. I let out a groan in frustration. "Are you fucking serious?" I growled.

I was becoming angry. He clicked his tounge and smiled. "Do you not remember the game Pine Tree?" He asked.

"Bill I am tired of messing around. Get out and leave me alone." I snapped.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now