?¿ChApTeR 16¿?

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Just a warning, there is NSFW in this chapter!!! More than what I have been writing....ummmmm good luck!

(Dipper's POV)

"What are you talking about?" I asked, trying to jerk my legs out of that weird spell.

"I didn't stop because you didn't want to do it. I stopped because I needed a second to register your begging." He chuckled.

My heart dropped. "What?" I asked.

He laughed and took off his trench coat, revealing his white dress shirt. He pulled the sleeves up to his elbow and smiled.

"You don't want to be touched. Fine." He said his hands traveled to his pants.

My eyes widen as he stopped. "Oh, so you know what I am doing huh?" He laughed.

I lost all ability to talk. I didn't expect this like, at all. I tried moving again before my hands slammed to my sides.

He bent down and lifted my chin up. "You may not want to be touched, but I do and your mouth will be perfect for this job." He chucked.

"What?" I asked, my tears coming to a complete stop.

"I am doing as you wish and leaving you alone, but you got me all worked up and I need a way to relieve it. Thanks to you, you cause it and you are going to fix it, unless you want me to..."

He put his hand on my crotch and gave a squeeze. I held in a breath and growled. "No."

"Well, I guess it's settles it now doesn't it?" He smiled standing back up.

"I....how the hell am I going to help you if you have me pinned to the door?" I asked with a snappy tone.

"Are you offering to help?" He asked.

"No I am not. I want to be let go and I want to leave." I said.

Luckily I was done with my waterworks show and finally getting some strength back. Thank god for that.

"Well, in that case you are going to sit there and help me just the way you are."

"And how am I going to do that asshole?" I growled.

"Oh, so you are new to this aren't you? Oh what a shame. You better get use to it." He said unbuttoning his pants.

He then stopped not going any farther. "Still confused Pine Tree?" He asked.

I could feel my heart pumping. I still didn't want to do what I think he wants me to do. I didn't answer and he chuckled.

"Let me give you a hint." He said walking up to me and grabbing the back of my head. He gripped my hair letting my hat fall off and then slamming my face into his crotch.

I let out a gasp as I just froze there. "Are getting the hint?" Bill asked.

I didn't answer as I was still in shock. Was he really going to make me do this? He let go and shoved my back into the wall.

"To many times you have teased me Dipper. Now you are going to go through with it all the way and you will enjoy it." He smiled now unzipping his pants.

My eyes widen even further as I was not prepared for this. It's always him doing shit to me. Now I have to do this????

I really don't know if this is better or not. "Last chance kid, do you want me to go on you?" He asked staring at me with a slight blush on his cheeks.

My breathing was heavy. Either way this is going the same route. "Do you have the balls to tell me no?" He asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "Yeah I do. You are not touching me." I growled with confidence.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now