?¿ChApTeR 10¿?

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(Dipper's POV)

I opened my heavy eyes. A headache started to set in, but it was dull. The last couple of days, I have been hiding in my room. God only knows what would of happened if I went one more day with out sleep.

The last two days where days full of sleep. It was nice to get some rest. Thought, I did feel terrible about how I acted towards Mabel and Gruncle Stan. I don't even know why I acted like that.

For the first time, I can actually blame someone else for my actions....Bill. At this point, it's been almost a week and a half that I haven't seen or heard from Bill.

Might be for the best. Nothing unusual has happened since he left, so I feel like I can finally breathe.

I got up and got dressed. It was almost noon, I needed to get up before my body permanently shuts down.

While I was getting dressed, I heard many pairs of feet stomp up the stairs and had loud giggling following right behind it.

At this point I only had my jeans on, but I don't think it would of mattered either way. I was a guy after all. I walking to the door with my shirt in my hand and peeked out to see what was going on.

Right when I opened the door, I saw three girls laughing theirs asses off, gasping in awe. Before I could react, a flash went off and I let out a yelp.

"What the!"

I covered my eyes from the blinding lights of doom as they smashed the button on what I assume was a camera.

"Wow Mabel! Why didn't you tell me your brother got hot?" A familiar voice laughed snapping another picture.

Oh no. I mentally groaned. It was Mabel's long time friends, Candy and Greda. They both were physically changed but their personalities....not so much.

"Guys, that's my brother!" Mabel laughed as she patted my shoulder.

I quickly put my shirt on, but half way, when my arms were in the sleeves and my head through the shirt with my arms raised up, they took another picture.

I jerked my shirt down with obvious annoyance. "Can you guys stop!" I snapped.

They just let out irritating giggles as they ran back to Mabel's room. I sighed and look back at Mabel.

"You should teach them what privacy is." I said crossing my arms.

She crossed hers in a mocking tone. "Well, maybe don't come out half dressed when they are over." She said sticking her tongue out.

I rolled my eyes. "Their your friends."

"And?" She asked.

I narrowed my eyes. "Whatever. Just, please try to get them to stop taking photos of me." I looked over towards the door and noticed another flash before they slammed the door.

I face palmed myself and dragged it down my face with a groan. "Please."

She giggled. "I will try, but it did get you out of your room. I'm glad to see you again Dipper. Try not to be such a party pooper." She said playfully hitting my arm and heading back to her room.


I rubbed my face and took a deep breathe before heading back into my room to get ready. I shut my door and continued to get ready, throwing my sleepwear on the opposite bed.

I was really confused why Gruncle Stan got another bed. He probably put it in this room for storage or something. At this point I have no clue.

A spring was sticking out and it was really stained up from god knows what. That thought entered and what came out was a disgusted noise.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now