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(Dipper's POV)

Rage filled my eyes as I stared into his lust filled eyes. I really don't know how long I am going to last. He isn't going to let me win no matter what I do. If I hide, if I am quiet, nothing. I sighed and clenched my jaw. He is going to see my every move. He is going to know what I am doing and just tease me.

"Whatever." I growled walking away from him to find Mabel.

"What's wrong grumpy pants? It wouldn't be that you know you wont win, would it?" Bill asked behind me.

I stayed quiet, not wanting to deal with that bastered right now. I couldn't seem to be able to think straight. Lust was begining to fill my brain. I didn't want it to, but I had no say.

God I wanted this feeling to leave so I didn't have to deal with it. Though, looks like Bill is enjoying every second of it.

I just need to shake it off for now, just for now. Mabel was carrying rotting sticks to the wood line. It looked like she was close to being finished. The rain didn't look like it helped at all. She was drenched in rotting bark and rain.

The sticks were just melting through her hands as she picked them up. Poor Mabel was working so hard while I was off fucking around.

I went over to her and grabbed the pieces that were falling to the ground. She saw me and frowned.

"Where the heck were you guys?! I have been moving all this wood by myself!" She crossed her muddy hands over her chest.

I rubbed the back of my neck and opened my mouth, but didn't get the chance to say a word.

"Dipper here got stuck in the building over there, I had to help him get out." Bill said wrapping his arm around me.

I snapped at him and pushed him off of me. "Get off of me!" I growled.

"Whoa Dipper, why are you snappy." Mabel asked quickly running towards me.

I look towards her, not being able to calm down, at least the look in my face. I could tell she sensed something was off. I let my temper control me. I took a deep breath and calmed down.

"I'm sorry. I got stuck under some equipment in the building and it pushed on my cut. My shoulder is killing me and this dougebag won't get off my ass about it." I glared at Bill.

I guess he got the hint and played along. He put his hand behind his neck and chuckled with guilt. Obviously it was all for show. None of it was true.

"Look kid. I'm sorry I was going to far. I'll stop okay?" He said with the most painstaking kind voice I have ever heard.

My mouth dropped open as I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. This was a different feeling. My cheeks burn at his kind face he was showing off. I knew with was all for an act, why was I feeling like this?

I gulped down the feeling and narrowed my eyes to the ground. "You're fine." I mumbled.

Mabel just stood there will glass eyes. "That was so sweet! Not only that but you made Dipper shut his mouth for once. A+ for you my good sir."

Mabel said with a low voice and one hand behind her back. She then shook Bill's hand with elegance.

My mind was swarming right now as the rain continued to run down my hot face. I was getting mixed emotions right now. I could hear my heart in my ears.

"Hey now that it's in my mind. Why do you wear an eye patch?" Mabel asked.

I immediately jerked my neck up. Bill chuckled. You had better come up with something golden.

"Eh, got into an accident a few years back and been having surgeries to fix my eye. Right now it looks ratchet and prefer to keep it covered to avoid infection or whatnot." He said shrugging.

Okay. Not bad Cipher. I thought as I stood up. "Okay guys, I think we should go inside. It's starting get real bad out here." I said moving my wet hair out of my face.

"Alright. After we get warm clothes on, we can watch a movie and have hot chocolate! Movie night!!" She screamed grabbing my arm and Bill's, pulling us inside.

I sighed and smile. I guess that finally gives me an excuse to hang out with my own sister.

"Wait what movie are we watching?" Bill asked as we walked inside.

The warmth hit my face as goosebumps covered my skin.

"I am not sure. Probably some horror movie." Mabel said as we made our way upstairs.

"Always a horror movie with you." I groaned.

"Don't we experience that in real life like, everyday in this town?" I asked.

"We don't experience it like in the movies. Stop being a wimp bro!" She said shutting the door to her room.

I groaned as Bill and I walked into my room. I let out a little hiss as the dull pain ran through my whole arm.

"Damn it." I mumbled gripping my shoulder.

"What are you whining about pine tree?" Bill asked crossing his arms.

"My shoulder is killing me. The rain probably made it worse." I said with a sigh.

"Eh you should be happy you can feel pain." Bill griped as he snapped his fingers.

His wet clothes disappeared as he was dressed in his original trench coat and dress pants.

I rolled my eyes. "Last time I checked, you can feel pain as well dipshit."

"Its not the same if I were in your body." He smiled.

"Right. I'm getting changed, but if you touch me I swear I will end you. I am not playing Bill." I threatened

He plopped on my bed and crossed his legs. "Alright, I won't do anything but you know you can end this little game now." He said with a low voice.

I glared at him as I put a dry shirt on. "Not interested. I think I have said that before." I growled.

"Eh, suit yourself. I'll play this game for how ever long you want to."

"Why do you find this amusing?" I asked getting changed completely.

"Like I have been saying, I am just proving a point. I can see it and I am never wrong with what I see." He smiled, his eye glowed for a split second.

"Yeah, I'm not satisfied with your answer asshole. You were the one who lost it today, like completely!"

"Oh that wasn't me loosing it and you don't want to see me lose control." He said getting up and leaving the room.

Once again, he was giving me a mixed and confusing answer. It was frustrating not knowing what he was talking about half the time.

I went to take a step and stopped. I bit my lip as that feeling came back in my crotch. I squeezed my legs together for a second to get rid of the feeling. A noise escaped my throat.

I can't understand why I feel like this once Bill came along. It was dreadful. At least I figured out what I like....

Tall men with beautiful blond hair and....hold on. God dammit!

I cleared my mind...or tried. I should not be thinking about him like that!

Ugggg what has he done to me!

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now