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(Dippers POV)

I groaned and slapped my face. It was already annoying to deal with Bill, now I have another thing to add on. From where I was, he didn't look so small.

It was as if he grown 4 feet for the years. The one thing I do remember clear as day was him being obsessed with Mabel. Right now, Mabel was in the shop by herself, with him.

I stood up and looked at Bill. "Bill, put me back on the ground."

He just laid back with his arms over his head. "Why, I thought we were just getting along." He asked with a quirky smirk.

"I am about to throw you off this roof in a second. Now come on."

There was a pause. He laid there with his eye closed. Not a thing bothering him. I could feel my anger boil.


He did not respond. All he did was lift his hand in the air and flipped me off. That was it. He snapped my last straw. Gideon was in there probably raping my sister at this point and I am stuck up here with I him. Just when I thought we were getting along.

I went over and grabbed his arm. He opened his eye and laugh. "Like you coul-" but before he could finish his sentence, I jerked him towards me.

I wasn't really going to throw him off the roof, but when I stepped back, my foot slipped off the edge and I was hanging off the ledge for the smallest second of my life as I clinched on to his hand. Though, it surprised me that he was holding on tightly to me. I was just slowly dropping down as Bill tried to grab something. But all in all he found nothing.

I went tumbling down to the ground with a scream, Bill just let out a yell as the bushes were getting closer. The wind rushing passed us and hitting tree branches on the way down. I felt my face and arms sting with pain from the splintered wood clawing me up.

That's when I hit the hard ground. Pain went up and down my body, but it was only a second before I felt Bill landing on top of chest.

His elbow dug into my body and my chest was getting crushed. I couldn't breath. I got the wind knocked out of me and I couldn't catch my breath. I wasn't worried though, I knew I would catch it, but it hurt so bad.

Just a few tears streamed down my cheeks as I tried to get Bill off of me. The corners of my eyes were turning black. I needed him off, but I was to weak. I was gasping for air, barely sucking any in. Luckily though, I was finally breathing some what.

Bill groaned feeling the pain. I saw in his eyes he was slightly shocked. He pushed him self up with his forearms on either side of my body, finally letting my chest free.

That's when I started to gasp all the air in. I was finally breathing correctly. Bill struggled to stay up as he looked at me, with somewhat of a pissed look. He was clenching his teeth as his face was over mine.

"C..could you get off of me." I said with a scratchy voice.

I was panting my lungs felt like I had just ran a mile. My vision was coming back and my tears falling slower. Bill just looked at me. I could feel his breath on my face. I could tell he was in pain, I think...He was acting weird.

"You..." He mumbled with a low voice.

Why was he....my eyes widen in realization and confusion. No, He ain't acting like he did last night. This was way to random. I pushed the thought aside as put my hands on his shoulders to push him of me.

With a quick swift of motion, Bill grabbed my wrists and slammed them over my head. I hissed. My body was still recovering the impact of the fall. I was lucky I didn't break anything.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now