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(Dipper's POV)

After we ate our food and whatever, we started to head back to the shack. I was stuffed. Their pancakes were the best. They were so fluffy and sweet. Bill tried one and just couldn't stop eating them. He ended up eating at least 15 pancakes. I had to stop him at that point.

I was walking on the same path that we took when Mable and I first arrived. I was in a pretty good mood, even after what Bill has done within 12 hours of the deal.

"Sooo, where we going pines?" Bill asked walking beside me, swinging his cane by his side.

He seemed joyful. "Back to the shack."

He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at me. "To that shitty house, why?" He asked with a groan.

I was a little confused. I turned to him with a cocked head. "What?"

"You dragged me out of that amazing place and stopped me from eating those delicious fluffy clouds just to go to that piece of garbage?"

Was he really complaining about going to the Shack? It wasn't that bad. I sighed, narrowing my eyes. "Look, the reason I stopped you was because you used all my money eating 5 plates of pancakes. I have no more money to my name on me. Plus I have to get back. I need to help with the shop." I explained turning around and walking away.

"You are such a bore Dipper."

"I'm sorry I am not a demon and I actually have responsibilities that I have to do."

"I have stuff I could be doing but guess what? I am stuck with you as my 'master'." He said sarcastically.

"You'll be fine Bill."

He rolled his eyes like a moody teenager. That did get me thinking. I am 17 but how old is he if he were human.

"Hey Bill, how old are you?" I asked.

"Many, many, many, thousands of year old."

"No, I mean in that form. You are technically human when your with me, so give me your age dipshit." I sighed.

"I dunno, maybe around 24 maybe 21." He shrugged.

"I wish you came back as an old man. Then you would be less annoying."

"Now that was rude." He griped.

I chuckled as I saw the Shack come in veiw. It wasn't even noon yet, so the sun shined bright over us. The open sign was on in the shop. I turned to Bill.

"Looks like you gotta leave. You know I can't let anyone here see you. They will know exactly who you are if you walk in."

Bill crossed his arms. "What if I don't want to?" He asked with a smirk.

"Bye Bill." I growled walking away from him.

I heard if growled and when I turned around, he was gone. I got this under control. I have control...well some. Bill is going to pushed some things, but I think I can handle it.

I walked in and saw Mabel playing with something at the counter. It looked like a button. I shut the door behind me when the stupid bell went off. Mabel looked up and saw me.

"Hey! There you are! Where have you been?!" She screamed running to me.

"Nice to see you to Mabel."

She shot a glare up to me. Her glared were harmless. It looked like a child trying to be mad while someone was trying to make them laugh. I rolled my eyes and walked to the living room and set my bookbag down. Like that I went back to grab a broom so I could help with this place, it was really dirty. A lot of dirt that had been dragged in from outside. Someone decided to spit out a piece of gum out on the floor, it looked like it had been there for a while. The tint piece of rubber was faint in the bright pink it used to be and it was hard as a rock. I cringed as I saw a fly land on top of it.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now