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(Dipper's POV)

Tonight felt great... though I couldn't really seem to focus on enjoying it. We were sitting out on the deck enjoy each others company. Grucle Stan was talking about fishing and how he scammed someone in buying a broken car and what not.

I was in and out of concentration. Bill and Mabel were laughing at Gruncle Stan's stupid stories and I would let out a chuckle every now and then, trying not to look like something was wrong.

I leaned back in the rocking chair as I rubbed my eyes. I was tired and becoming horny with each second passing by. I was trying so hard, but I don't know how much more I can keep this up tonight.

Bill was sitting on the ground with Mabel as they joked around and what not. I wasn't listening. I couldn't get my self to tune into their werid conversations.

I looked over and did a sigh. I am going to have to go inside soon. I was getting bitten by mosquitoes and becoming antsy.

Mabel starting howling with laughter as Gruncle Stan was shaking his head in amusement. Bill was chuckling before his eyes met mine. We locked eyes as he winked at me.

I started grinding my teeth and looked away. He kept pushing and I don't think I was going to be able to keep my fist out of his face.

I took one more second to take in the fresh air before I got up. Bill started talking about something involving a deer. Maybe something he had read or something, not sure and I didn't care.

This was actually a good time to leave because Bill was in the middle of something. He couldn't just get up and leave.

"Hey, where are you going Dipper??" Gruncle Stan asked.

"I am going inside. I am being bitten by bugs and I am getting tired all of a sudden." I yawned.

This was obviously another lie, but it's fine. I could care less.

"The bugs are probably sucking all the blood out of your brain." Mabel laughed.

I rolled eyes and laughed. "Right. We will go with that. Have a goodnight everyone." I waved.

"Night!" Mabel and Gruncke said.

"Anyways, as I was saying..." I heard Bill say as I shut the door.

I stood there for a second to see if he would follow. All the laughing made me a little upset I couldn't enjoy time with them. The stress was becoming a huge problem in my life.

I feel so bad and feel like I am growing distant between my family. Thanks Bill. At least tomorrow I can spend time with Mabel. Right now I need to take this chance and release all that pressure that has been building up.

I took one more quick look before I ran up the stairs. I went into my room and shut the door. I leaned against it once again and stood there to see if I could hear anyone coming, that being Bill.

I bit my tounge as my hand ran over crotch. I think I'm going to get away with this. I closed my eyes as my mind started to become foggy.

My body started to heat up, but not for long. I didn't have the chance to do anything when I was shoved tho the ground. I let out a huge 'oof' sound as I hit the hard floor.

"Gotcha." I heard Bill say.

"Dammit." I growled pushing myself up to my knees.

"I thought you were telling Gruncle Stan and Mabel some fake ass long story?" I snapped rubbing my forehead.

"And I thought you were going to bed." He replied.

I sighed. "Cliche'." I growled.

"You keep trying and keep failing buddy." Bill said crouching to my level.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now