?¿ChApTeR 12¿?

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(Dipper's POV)

I sat there with a pissed off look as that little cock sucker entertained the family. My spoon pushing mash potatoes to the side of the plate and back. A heavy sigh left my mouth, seeing his stupid smirk made me sick. 

Not only was I very uncomfortable, I was so frustrated. He disappeared for a week with out a word and now he is back acting like everything is sunshine and rainbows. Showing off to Mabel and her friends like he is top dog. Ugg, it was annoying.

That and he managed to convince Gruncle Stan to actually let him stay. Like, what the hell. That didn't even make sense. Putting a, what he thinks, is a random stranger in the same room as me. The same room! 

He has no clue was he does inside closed doors.  I poked a green bean and continued to play with my food. It was better than paying attention to that gold bar of a human.  He just makes my blood boil.

I looked up at him with an angry glint in my eye. He didn't notice. I did not have one fuck to give though. His laugh was very sickening. Like the devil himself. The fact that the girls liked him as much as I hate him made me slightly worried. 

Not only did I know what he could do to me, I had know clue what he could do to them. The rules did say no magic use for any kind of evil, but did that mean physical action as well. Yeah, it should...but if it wasn't....

I froze at the thought. It hit my brain like a high speed train. What could he do to them? I shook it out though. If he really had the urge to hurt anything or anybody for that matter, it would me. I am his punching bag and practical toy. Well, at least to his knowledge. 

I took a bite of food as I went deeper into thought. A toy that is a ticking timebomb. I really do need to be more assertive with him. Yeah he is older than me, but I am way more mature and smarter than he is. He still acts like a toddler.

A...sex addictive toddler...I shook my head at the weird thought and looked back at Bill. He was laughing and showing off his weird staff. He kept going on about his made up company or whatever bullshit. 

I swear. If I could, I would go back in time and think about my deal carefully. I leaned back in my seat slightly as I ran my fingers through my hair. Life is so messed up right at this point. My mind was running with too many thoughts and the stress was building up to much.

The way he manipulated people is insanely well thought out. But... He knew me all to well to have them just planned out. He has some dangerous plan cooking up, I just know it. Him touching me has to be just a way of getting me distracted. 

My face burned slightly at the thought. Out of everything he could do, why would he do that? Why doesn't he just tie me up and torture me? No, he would do some much more than just that. Well, whatever he does, I am not going to let it push me down. I need to be more in control. 

And just like that, my mind goes back to the day in the woods. I did try to do something and like everything else, ended up in a worse state than it was. I just don't understand his blackouts. I could tell he was gone the first time, but the second time was very questionable. 

I don't understand him and his likeness to me. Out of everyone it would be me. What am I going to do?

"Hello? Earth to Dipper."

I shook my head and looked towards the voice who pulled me out of my thoughts. Mabel chuckled as her friends watched with the same look.

"What?" I asked.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now