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(Dipper's POV)

I walked through the woods while Bill was blabbering his mouth off. I was a little pissed just because he threw me on the ground like that and was being a dick. When is he never a dick?

"So, what are we going to do now?" Bill asked floating like a cloud by my side.

"I'm hungry, so I'm going to the Diner to get some food."

"Cool, do they sell pizza there?"

I turned to him with a cocked head. "Who said that you were coming along?" I asked coldly.

"I did obviously. I want to try the food you guys eat."

"You don't even need to eat."

I was getting really tired of seeing his face. The fact that he is going to be with me for the rest of my life is just dreadful. Five years, I thought that would give me a break from the stupid Dorito but he still managed to mess with me. Every dream and thought, he was there someway, somehow.

I am restricted on what I can think or do. I won't have any privacy ever again. That does get me thinking though, he can't hurt no body, will he just be that annoying kid that sticks by me 24/7? I need to be stricter on what he can and cannot do, but unfortunately he is a demon. He is going to find anyways to twist the ruled to what he wants.

No use. I am just going to have to deal with him. "I like to eat thank you very much." Bill snapped putting his hand on his chest.

I sigh. "Look, I don't care if you come." I said with a blank look.

I was so tired, maybe if I work tomorrow, I could use the next few days off to get some sleep.

"Did you actually give in Pine Tree?" He asked surprised with a smile.

He was pulling my leg, I know it. "The only thing you can't do is act like a freaking demon." I said grabbing his shoulders and pushed him to the ground.

"That means no magic. Act like a human when you are out in public."

I kept my hands on his shoulders and stared at him with a strict look. "Got it?" I asked.

He wrapped his arms around my waist... once again and pulled me closer to him. "Sure thing kid." He was still wearing that God damn smirk.

I groaned and pushed him off away. "Will you stop touching me?" That was the one thing I couldn't wrap my head around. Why was he being so touchy?

It was weird. Not only that, but what happened last night made it very uncomfortable and confusing. Not once did he act this way when I was 13. I don't know, maybe since he has always been a demon triangle, he never had hormones. I really don't know.

I wish he would stop though. "Come one." I ordered.

"Already ahead of you."


We got on to the street and people were everywhere. I was getting slightly nervous. Bill wasn't exactly fitting in. The way he dressed, the way he walked. It was not like everyone else. Mostly everyone here was either more like a nature person or a redneck.

"Wow, everyone is out. I remember each and everyone of them. I used that guy for my throne and that guy f-" I grabbed his arm and threw it to his side.

"Bill, shut up. You can't be saying that stuff. Everyone really remembers that day that the weird triangle demon almost murder everyone."

I whispered. "Don't use magic and don't talk about that day. Understand?" He shrugged.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now