¿?ChApTeR 15?¿

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(Dipper's POV)

I woke up the next morning, angry with myself. Angry at Bill, angry at Mabel and her friends, I was just angry. How could I.....

How could I let him do that?! How could I loose control over myself? Nothing went to far luckily. We had to go inside before everyone got suspicious.

It was still very heated. I didn't want to think about it. Not at all. What goes in that sick twisted mind of his. I wish he would leave me alone and stop making me do this shit!

Oh I was furious. I barely slept last night. Bill was in his own little world. I couldn't bare to fall asleep with him in my room. I couldn't.

I went down stairs, each stair creaked underneath my raging feet. Each step I took felt like I was going to loose control. My jaw hurt from how much I was grinding it.

My eyes were nothing but rage. I needed to cool down, but how? Once I got down the stairs, I saw Gruncle Ford going into his secret lab behind the vending machine.

Maybe he could help. It was going to be so embarrassing to tell him what has been happening, but he said if I ever had a problem he would help.

I took a deep breath and quickly ran through before the door shut. Gruncle Ford turned around when he noticed me and smiled.

"Hey there Dipper. Decided to join me this morning?" He asked with a bright smile on his face, but it faded once he saw me.

I looked to the side, avoiding his contact. "Can I....talk to you?" I asked, showing no emotion.

He took a second to examine my state. I definitely didn't look alright. "Of course." He said with a caring tone.

I followed down into his lab where I took a seat and rubbed my tired eyes. Gruncle Ford leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

"So, is this about Bill?" He asked, his gaze down at the floor.

I nodded and leaned back in my seat. "I don't understand him?"

"What do you mean? Nobody understand that demon. Its entirely impossible." He said.

"I know, but ever since I made that dumb deal with him, he has been acting weird." I said playing with my thumb.

"And I....just loose control because of him." I said quietly.

I could feel the worry that washed over my uncle. His kind eyes just piercing me with concern and confusion.

What was I supposed to do. You can't sugar coat this stuff. Especially when you are dealing with a supernatural being.

"Dipper? What is happening? I mean, I know I should have said it a lot sooner, but you haven't been acting right since you arrived to Gravity Falls." He said coming over and putting a hand on my shoulder.

My chest felt tight and all my nerves felt sharp. I bit my lip for second as I regained myself. This wasn't going to be easy.

"You see, Bill is...a human now. I don't know what is different about it but it seems like he is just messing with me. He has been.....umm, very touchy lately. Anything can send him into an episode of pure lust with him." My face burned as I looked at my uncle.

His face was blank and very confused. I was starting to panic slightly, but I continued so I could get this off my chest.

"The first night was when it first happened. He told me he didn't remember ever doing anything to me. Since that day I have my doubts, but he also makes me feel so weird. He just does this on purpose but I don't know if its true or not. It freaks me out because I feel wanted and I shouldn't." I was ranting. I couldn't stop.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now