¿?ChApTeR 3?¿

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(Dipper's POV)

I sprinted into the wood with nothing but the clothes on my back and my phone. I had an idea if he did come out of the stone, but I needed to get there as fast as I could. I rolled the sleeves up to my elbows and pushed through the burning in my legs.

The moon shined bright above me as I used it to guide me. A cool breeze hit my face as I weaved around trees. I could see the sight where Bill was. He was glowing a bright yellow.

"Shit, com one. Please don't be late." I begged as I was lacking air. I looked around him to see how much damage he has cause. The stone was cracking and shooting out rays of yellow light.

I was panting. I had an idea that I didn't know if would work or not and that's what scared me. The stone was starting to flake off, I needed to hurry.

"Seriously, the first day I get here and I have to deal with the shit." I mumbled and grabbed his hand. The flaking stopped.

"This has to work. Okay Bill listen up. You want out of here, but I want to keep everyone safe so..." I took a silent breath and put on my brave face. I had to do this. For Gruncle Stan, for Mable, for everybody. I am going to take the bullet on this one.

"Lets make a deal." I said.

I felt his hand grip my hand, I know once I let go, he would be free. So I thought out of the box, maybe I could win this time.

I looked around for a second to think on how I could word it. "I will you go if I can be in control. You are not allowed to do anything that could hurt or destroy the world or people." It was the best I could come up with.

He could be free, but he couldn't do any harm. I just stood there holding a statues hand while I waited for something to happen. Nothing was happening. I couldn't let go. Did I do something wrong?

No, I know there are rules, but this should be acceptable. I waited there for a second for some thing to happen. That's when something started to burn my arm.

My eyes widen as I tried to jerk my arm away from him. The burning started get worse. I looked at my arm and saw a symbol appearing on my arm.

I screamed out in pain, not being able to hold it in anymore. The symbol on my arm had Bill in the middle of the circle we used to defeat him, or tried to anyways.

I couldn't take the pain anymore as I started to do everything to get out of his grip. It hurt so bad. Tears filled my vision. I looked down and the tattoo of the symbol thankfully stopped. Bill's hand let go of my hand and went to the ground.

It looked like he accepted the deal. I backed up as the statue started to shake violently. "Oh no." I mumbled before I covered my face.

I heard the statue explode and pieces of it hitting me. I took a second to wait and make sure none of the other pieces came flying at me. I looked up slowley to see smoke from the statue.

I got up and slowly walked to it. Did he go back to his home? I hope to God he did. I waved the smoke out of my face. No Bill. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't have to deal with him.

I felt so happy. No, I was overloaded with glee. "Thank god." I said.

I actually saved everyone with the price of this painful burn on my arm. I laughed. I was covered in dust but that didn't stop me from being excited.

I would love to stay out here all night, but I have to get back home before I get in trouble. I kicked the pile of stone and turned around to head back, but right when I did, I saw a face right in mine.

I let out a scream and fell into the pile of stone. Pretty sure I was having a heart attack. "Heya Pine Tree." The man waves.

I was so confused. "What?" This guy was wearing a yellow suit with black sleeves, gloves and black pants. He had blonde hair with the sides black. He had a cane and what scared me the most was the he had a black bow tie and top hat. And that same eye that is burned in to my brain. It was a bright yellow cat slit eye. The other eye was covered with an eye patch. It couldn't be.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now