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(Dipper's POV)

I lifted my heavy eyes. I was so tired. But I couldn't go back to sleep. I groggly grabbed my phone and looked what time it was. 5:30am.

"Are you kidding me?" I groaned and closed my eyes.

It took awhile to get to sleep after what happened. At least an hour. I pretty much got to bed around 2:00 am. Why would Bill do that? That was some weird behavior. Doing it and then telling me that he didn't remember shit.

That made me so angry. I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of eyes. A yawn escaped my mouth. I need more sleep. I stood up and stretched. I'm so tired.

I took a step and stopped. Something didn't feel right. Oh god, please no. I closed my eyes and put my hand on my crotch. My pants were wet.

"God damit Bill." I mumbled.

I got dressed and put my jacket back on. I decided that I was going to stay out of the shack today. I sent Mable a text to let her know where I was going. Grabbed my backpack, some money, my phone, and the journal.

"Looks like I'll be writing some notes." I said walking out of my room. I was pretty sure I was going to fall over anytime soon.

When I got down the stairs, I noticed the light on in the kitchen. Who the hell would be up? I walked in and saw Uncle Stanford. A smile made its way on my face. I hadn't seen him at all yesterday. I sat down at the table with a smile. He looked up and almost chocked on his food.

"Dipper! I didn't know you were here!" He explained as he reached across the table and gave me a bear hug.

I laughed and hugged him back. "Yeah, the bus came early this year."

He pulled away and sat down. "I have so many plans to do with you this summer! So many thing to figure out and to solve." His smile was huge, but faltered when he saw me.

I noticed and sighed. "Dipper, did you sleep at all last night?" He asked putting the back up his hand on my forehead.

I grabbed his hand and put it on the table. " I'm fine I just...Did something really really stupid." I was so worried that my stomach was turning.

"You know you can tell me. I can help the best I can. I mean if it's with a girl then I would go ask my brother." He chuckled jokingly.

That just made me go back to last night. My face became red as I shook my head. "Look Uncle Stanford, do you promise you won't tell anybody. Not a single soul!" I asked feeling nervous.

"Oh course."

I put my head into my hands and slid them through my hair. "Okay, you know how Bill has been a problem since I left?"

"Yeah, I checked yesterday morning, he was still there covered in moss."

I sighed, feeling a little guilty. I should have came to him. "Not anymore."

Uncle Stanford's eyes widen like dinner plates. "What do you mean he's not there? Did you check in the right place?" He asked his smile completely gone.

"No, he was in my head when I went to go take a tap. Apparently he found a way to break free." I said rubbing my eyes once again.

"Why is he going in to your mind. He should be coming for me or Stanley? This doesn't make any sence." He said putting a finger to his chin.

"I didn't understand it either. All I know is that he said that I was more useful. That you and Gruncle Stan were going to do soon anyways." I shrugged looking at the table.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now