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(Dipper's POV)

"Are you fucking serious right now!" I growled through my teeth.

A devilish and sly smirk appeared on his face. He stood up and brushed his suit off before coming towards me and grabbing my hand. I got jerked forward a little bit. The drink I had just dumped getting everywhere as I step in it.

Bill then put on the most , how do I say it, mouthshitting smile on as he started to harshly shake my hand. "Oh thank goodness, you are here Mr. Stan, Right?" He said with a desperate playing act.

What show was he trying to put on? "What the hell?"

Gruncle Stan came from behind with a chuckle before he looked up and saw Bill. His face scrunched up in confusion and my in terror. This is it, I am dead. I looked between the two of them, watching with a knife to my head in fear.

"Um, that would be me." He said fixing himself up a little bit. 

I looked at him with shock, did he really not see who this man was? At this point, I was going to pass out. Bill let go of my hand in shock. "Oh my deepest apologies sir. I can see why I was easily fooled. You two look so much alike. Related?" he asked with a small chuckle.

My mouth was just open with shock. Was I the only sane person here? What in the hell was Bill trying to do? Gruncle Stan stood up with proud in his chest. "Yes we are related. This is my Great nephew Dipper and I guess you could say we do look dashingly hot." Gruncle Stan said nudging me with his elbow.

Bill laughed and looked at me with the most lustful...you know what, I have seen his face way more horny to think of it, but still! "I couldn't agree more sir." he said looking me up and down. 

He was toying with me. Oh the anger building up in my body was big enough to smash a building. I pushed both of them away from me and looked towards Bill with a man killing stare. 

"How did you get in here? We are closed today." I asked.

Gruncle Stan then stopped and thought of it. "Yeah how did you get in?" 

Bill put his hand behind his neck. "Oh you were closed today? I guess that explains the lack of people here. The door was unlocked so I thought you were open. I apologize for intruding but I need help." He said acting all nervous and shit.

I let out a small growl as I walked behind the counter. While I was walking by, I noticed two large suitcase near the counter. This just made me even more worried. I had know idea how Gruncle Stan couldn't see who he was and why Bill was playing make believe.

"Well you see 'sir' the store is closed today, you are going to have to come back when we are open." I said with a small smirk myself.

He then looked at Gruncle Stan with a worried look. Playing the act for the bone, I see what you were doing....kind of.

"Well, I mean, rules are rules sir." Gruncle Stan said shrugging. 

"But you don't understand. I was suggested to come by someone. They told me you could help and I need help. You see, my home was burned down in a fire and I have nowhere to go right at the moment. I was hoping you would let me live here until my men help me find a new place." He said with the whole sob story and what not.

I looked at him with a shocked and worried look. He was trying to live here! Oh my god. But I should take a chill pill knowing that Gruncle Stan would nev-

Bill interrupted me with a huge brick of cash getting slammed on the counter. "Look, I am a very wealthy guy. I can pay rent if I have too." he said  sliding the thing of cash closer to Gruncle Stan.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now