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(Dipper's POV)

Here I was wondering through the store with Mabel and her friends while Bill followed behind me with huge eyes. Everything sparkled to him apparently and he would not leave me alone about buying him shit.

I was just so out of it. The sleep deprivation was really hitting me. The over thinking and just the horny feelings weren't helping either. I was going nuts with everything.

Honestly, I don't even know if I want to go to Pacifica's birthday anymore. But the girls and Bill were so excited and wouldn't let me back out. So I am going to have to suffer for now.

I was carrying about 5 huge and beautiful dresses while the girls were being indecisive. Bill was looking at some baby clothes while waiting for Mabel and the others to pick out some more dresses.

"I don't know how human children can be so tiny." Bill whispered in my ear with what I think was a hint of cringe.

"Yeah. They are pretty small." I said rubbing my face to wake myself up.

"I am not a fan of children. All they do is scream and be annoying little shits." Bill said tossing the hanger back on the rack.

I hummed in understanding as Mabel came back with two more dresses. She smiled with a big grin, her braces being visible to the whole world.

"Okay that should be all for now. Wow I am so excited! I haven't been to a party for so long!" She sighed with excitement.

"I got kicked out the last party because my dresses ripped in half down my back." Grenda said bluntly.

Mabel smiled and wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "Well don't worry. I'll make sure that doesn't happen."

"Well that's good. These are getting heavy. Maybe it's time to try these on so you can pick the ones you want to wear for the party?" I asked almost persistently.

They all laughed and agreed and we headed back to the dressing rooms.

I let them grab their things, finally letting my arms breathe. They went in and I sat down on the old sofa they had that was very worn. At this point I could care less.

Bill plopped down next to me and lend on the arm rest, hinting he was bored.

"Hey I have an idea, why don't we go in to one of the dressing rooms and mess around?" He said with a sly grin.

At this point I was numb to his comments. "No Bill." I said my rubbing my eyes.

He hugged and crossed his arms and crossed his leg over the other. "You are so stubborn Dipper."

I looked at him. "How am I stubborn? Do you mean no fun?" I asked with a cocked head.

"Well I mean both then. You still refusing to do anything about your problem there in your pants. I can tell it's getting harder and harder to resist." He shrugged.

I told a deep breath. "Yeah I don't think so. I am completely fine and I haven't even really thought about today." I tried to get off the subject, especially when someone could walk by and hear us.

"Thats not what I see in your dreams pine tree." Bill said with a smirk and he whispered in my ear.

I narrowed my eyes as I was become one flustered and was unable to hide my red face. "Well that is your fault. You are literally putting those dreams in my head you asshole." I growled.

He howled with laughter. I looked at him with a confused look. "What's so funny?" I asked as he was beginning to get on my nerves.

He wiped a tear always and looked at me. "I didn't do that. That was all you. I was no a part of that. You think that just because I was in your dream, I was the one who made you have it?" He snickered.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now