?¿ChApTeR 22¿?

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(Dippers POV)

I struggled to get him off of me. "Well sucks to be you buddy." I growled.

"You think so?" He said desperately.

I glared at him. "I know so. So get off because you aren't getting anything from me." I pushed his chest away from me. I was getting back in control and I need to keep it. He keeps making me lose it. Yeah, okay sure, I loved it, but this is just getting to much.

He is beginning to think that he can get away with messing with me and then leaving me in a mess and I'm done with it. It's giving me blue balls and messing with my mood. I'll be fine without any of it. I need to focus more on everyone in the shack and Mabel.

He let out a snarl as his nails dug into my shoulder. I winced slightly, but kept my glare. It was a long stare off. His golden eye staring right into my brown eyes. So many emotions in his face, just not very visible. I held my breath, he was going to listen. He had no other choice.

He let out a yell and slammed my shoulders into the bed as the bed slammed back up. He got off of me and fixed himself up.  I was slighting shocked. I didn't think I would get this far.

He took a deep breath, still clearly pissed, and looked at me. "Did you just listen to me?" I asked still lying on the bed.

"Don't give me shit about it or I'll make sure your family knows what's going on." He growled.

I noticed his cheeks began to grow a slight pink as I put him on the spot. I wasn't going to push him any further. I sat up and fixed my pants. A slight snicker escaped my mouth.

"Shut your mouth asshat." Bill snapped.

I shrugged and decided to get off the subject. "So what are we gonna do since you destroyed the sweaters?" I asked.

"So you are gonna just forget it like that huh?" Bill mumbled to himself.

I cocked an eyebrow. This was new. I shook it off and threw my hands up waiting for an answer.  He scoffed and snapped his fingers.

Two sweaters appeared. One golden and the other Burgundy. The exact same ones from the store. All in good condition. Brand freaking new.

"Did you steal these?" I asked.

He didn't answer as he threw mine at me, put his on, and walked out without a word. Slamming my door in the process. I held my sweater in complete shock. Was he pouting? I smile and laughed. Such a fucking child. I sighed in success and pride. I overruled him. It's finally time to start showing who is in charge around here. I looked at my arm.

Just a few years ago, I would have had no control over Bill and would be hiding in terror, trying to figure out what I needed to do to protect everyone. Now I am here, owner of a demon. It's all so hard to take in. The fact I am in charge. His mood changes. Lying to everyone... I frowned. They helped me through some much last time and I am repaying them by hiding stuff away from them.

Mabel should be my number one trusted friend. She is literally me but different. We came from the same womb. We shouldn't be hiding anything from each other. Bill has changed me so much.

The ink stared into my soul as I got lost into my thoughts. This mark is a part of me now. It changed me. It changed Bill. Who knew a marking could change everything. It all seemed to be hitting me like a rock.

I plopped down on the bed and continued to look at my arm. Turning it around to look at the rest.  Why did Bill look so upset? A slight pause filled the air. A quiet buzz in my ear as it was so quiet.

Why do I even care about what Bill thinks? Nightmares have literally ran most of my life because of him and here I am wondering if he is upset! He doesn't care about me. He wants to use me. Abuse me. Even get me to go insane.

I put my head into my hands and let out a frustrating growl. Why can't I just know what I am feeling? Sure, I could care less that I'm attracted to guys, hell, I could be attracted to both genders, but why does Bill have to be involved with it?

Why is it that every time he leaves the room, he leaves me in a mess? Either confused or just a hot mess. My heart burned along with my chest and my head began to throb. There's so much things I want answers to, but I can't seemed to find them.

My mind was racing like people on a track. Bill wanted to kill me and now he wants me. I wanted him dead and now.... Now I don't know what I want. It used to be safety and reassurance that everything will be okay. That Mabel and my two gruncles would be safe.

Now I know that they are safe. I know Bill can't do anything to them. I should be so happy that I was finally able to put an end to this. Yet, why do I still feel confused?

Why do I feel like I'm doing something wrong? Bill has these crazy emotion and they change so suddenly. He could be in the mood and next thing you know, be so excited to have some pancakes. My heart started to pick up the pace.

His smirk could turn into a genuine smile when he looks at me. I grind my teeth and stood up.

What am I thinking? Why would he ever show and emotion that he cares about me? I am so stupid. I slid my sweater on and ran my fingers through my hair. It's just a matter of time and patience before he gets bored of me.

I just need to focus on right now and everything going on. I took a deep breath and looked at my phone. A couple more hours before the party. I sat back on my bed and grabbed my journal. This used to calm me down. Finding new things about each monster we dealt with. Like the shape shifting monster that pretended to be Wendy.

Now I look at it and feel useless. I sighed and tossed it back in the drawer. What's the point of looking at it anymore? I laid down and covered my eyes with my arm.

The sweater was so soft. It smelled like Bill. I sighed once again. There was no escaping the thought of Bill anymore. He was forever going to be in my head. I need to face the fact that he is with me forever. Face reality.

Why me Bill?

I just want to go to sleep and never wake up.

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