¿?ChApTeR 23?¿

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(Dipper's POV)

We all were walking towards the huge mansion  of the Northwest family. A very slight chill in the air as the wind blew. The girls dresses flew in the wind. They were gorgeous, I was not going to lie about that. They were laughing and giggling while I stayed back behind them. A lot going through my mind.

Bill walked beside me with his hands stuffed in his pockets. His blonde hair flipped to the side, showing off his undercut which happened to be a black.

"Maybe I might kiss a guy tonight!!" Mable exclaimed with a squeal.

"We all might!" Candy said with excitement.

I rolled my eyes at them and sighed. This was going to be a very long night indeed.

"I'm just here to get wasted." Bill bluntly said.

"Go figures." I replied.

Bill turned his head to look at me as I met his gaze. His eye narrowed. "Why are you in a pissy mood all of a sudden?"

"Oh I don't know, I am being dragged out to a huge party right after I almost got raped..... again." I said quiet enough for Mabel not to hear.

"Well if it wasn't the first time, then you should be used to it by now shouldn't you?" Bill asked with a smirk.

I looked at him. I am so used to his smart remarks and shit replies. Yet every time, he just knows how to push that certain button. I could feel the anger boiling in me.

"Yeah, and me rejecting you shouldn't either. Yet you left with such disappointment that it looked like you lost a million souls. What's new?" I snapped back.

I could tell that caught him off guard slightly as his smirk faltered. We stopped and he stared at me, speechless for the first time in his life.

"Yeah, I'm more observant than you think I am. I have to be to make sure you don't do anything shitty like you did the last time I was here. You are a dream demon, able to read peoples minds?" I said poking his head, "I'm not a kid anymore and you aren't in control. How bout you keep that one in your peanut looking brain for the rest of the time you are here. Okay?" I spitted out.

He grabbed my wrist before I have anytime to react. "You may not be a kid anymore Pinetree, but you sure as hell keep acting like one. You should know not to threaten nor smart mouth any kind a demon. You don't have to worry about keeping that in mind because I'm going to do it for you." He said throwing my wrist to the side and walking a away.

I stood there for a second, watching him walk away and catching up with the rest of the group. I can never win with him. What the actual fuck do I do. I growled and punched the tree that was next to me. Pain shot through my hand and up my arm.

I was breathing heavy as I still had anger leaving my fingertips. I punched the tree once again. The deal says I had control. Where the fuck is it then??

I took a second and breathed. I'm going to have to ask myself these questions later. People were passing me with looks and stares. My face flushed even more than before as I covered my face and sped walked to my group.

Anger is so hard to control, especially if that anger is pointed at Bill. I need to forget about it until this stupid party is over. I glanced down at my hand that was numb. It was already starting to bruise and bleed.

It'll be fine. I caught up to the group finally as we all were at the main entrance. Bill admiring the huge doors and the girls getting excited. There he goes again acting like nothing happened. Nothing I can do unfortunately.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now