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(Dipper's POV)

I squeezed his neck with a gruesome growl. "Why should I? You should know what happens when your blacked out. You talk like you do."

"Okay, you know that I don't remember didily shit. If I did, you know very well I won't of stopped." He said with a low voice as he taunted me.

My cheeks began to burn once again. "Its always me. Are you doing this to taunt me? Are doing this to somehow get away with what ever wicked plan you have to get free? Because whatever it is, it isn't going to work." I snapped.

"Okay buddy, I can't be free, ever. I am stuck by your side for ever and ever. Until the end of time. What ever is happening to me, has never once happened before this whole deal mess." Bill said with a serious tone.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I got off of him and slammed his jacket in his face.

I sat down on the ground waiting for myself to gather itself back together. I was so....into it at the moment. Why? I rubbed my face. This was the second time that this has happened. It was starting to get annoying. Every time It happens, my stomach turns uncomfortably. It makes me sick, at least the first time it did. The second time, the feeling went away after a little bit into the whole thing.

But that was so close. Mabel almost saw me and Bill. Not only would that have been bad, but it would have also been so fucking embarrassing. The way Bill was obsessed with me.

It's so...different. last time I was here everyone was doing there own thing, making me the weirdo of the town. Now, it's so different. I feel kinda wanted when he is ...

Oh stop, that is so stupid. I took a second to calm down while Bill fixed his jacket. "You want to know?" I asked.

Bills head perked up as he buttoned his coat. "Well, yeah." He smiled.

"I wanna know how I got this." He said pointing to his crotch.

I frowned. "It wasn't all your fault this time, but everything I did was for a certain reason."

"Okay?" Bill said questionably.

"We fell off the roof and you landed right on top of me."

"I remember that. I went to get up went I felt the glorious feeling of pain. Then I blacked out." Bill added.

"That isn't all, Mabel heard us fall and came looking for us. You were in your trance and wasn't moving for anything. I tried getting up but you just pinned me down and started kissing me."

"Sounds hot." Bill smirked knowing he was getting on my nerves.

"Bill." I growled.

He put his hands up defensively. "Hey I'm just saying."

"Moving on, Mabel came right by the bush right here. You popped up and was just staring at me. You wouldn't get down out of view. That's when I had to get my arms free and pull you down with...a kiss. You wouldn't of moved otherwise and she would have seen us." I said as the burning feeling came back in to my cheeks.

I felt my stomach turn again, over and over. It was like I was reliving the moment. I wish I could erase it so I didn't feel this way.

Bill's eyes widen. "What?"

"You heard me, you took it as a chance and went all in on it. You went so far in my mouth." I stopped as I looked up at him.

He smile. "Was it hot?"

"What's your obsession with that?"

"I like to make things hot. Even if it's with you." He send me a wink.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now