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(Dipper's POV)

The bus ride was so long. I couldn't wait until we got back. I wished we never left. Mabel was bouncing off the walls like she did back when she had that weird crush on the mermaid.

It didn't matter though. Two more months before we become adults. I'm not ready. No where near ready. That summer we stayed in the small town with mysteries felt so long. Then we got back home and it seem like two day before we were 17. There are so many things that needs answers out here. Even though I wasn't in Gravity falls for almost five years, that didn't stop me from acting like myself and trying figure out puzzles from the journal from home.

I missed everybody. Soos, Gruncle Stan, his whole shack, everything. Everything should be mostly the same, at least from Bill. My frown grew as I watched trees and shops run pass the window. That's the only thing that has been worrying me the whole time we have been gone. Since Gruncle Stan and Uncle Ford did that whole trick with Bill, he has been a lonely statue out in the middle of the woods.

I am sure he is coming up with some awful plan to get everyone back. Especially Gruncle Stan or even...me, but that is a small chance. I was nowhere near that special luckily.

I have been keeping in contact with Uncle Ford; he has been walking out there every week to make sure he was still there. Everyday he went, he was still there, collecting dust and mold.

Today or tomorrow, I am going to go check myself. I am going to make sure he stays there. I laid my head on the cold window with a sigh. Every time I think about him or even say his name, I feel like he watching me. A cold chill ran down my spine or random shivers. 

He was so obsessed with me. Possessing my body and so much more other cruel stuff. Tricking me and making me believe things that weren't real. That and even at one point making me turn my back at my family.

I am never going to fall for something like that again. Ever.

That was a choice I made that has affected my life. Even thought everyone says it wasn't my fault, I should have known better. Since that day, I have been feeling...left out, but in a different way. I was included in things, but I didn't feel like I belonged. I felt guilty and I didn't feel as wanted as before. My family loved me, but Bill twisted it to where I didn't think they did. I kept it all to myself. I know that feeling will go away once I see Bill. All the anger I'm going to unleash on him rather he was stone or not.

The bus came to a stop which pulled me out of my thoughts. "This is our stop Dipper! Come on!" Mabel yelled as she literally yanked me out of my seat.

I laughed and grabbed my stuff. I needed to stop worrying so much. Nothing has happened since we have been gone, why would something happen all of a sudden? I just needed to enjoy the last moments of being a kid. Guess I could wait awhile before I let Bill feel my pain.

I grabbed my luggage and got off the bus. The smell of pine hit my nose, making me smile. The bus left while Mabel and I stood there, taking the sight in once again.

The heavy trees that made the forest and one single, wooden, sign that had the words faded, Mystery Shack. I took a deep breath, taking in the smell of the woods. I could hear the loud echoing of the wildlife.

It was good to be back. Before I could take in any more of the woods, I felt a finger poke my cheek. "Bloop! Come on, let's go to the shack. You have all summer to look around!" Mabel jumped up and down.

"Okay okay, let's go then." I laughed and grabbed my suitcase.

"I can wait to see what we can do. I also can't wait to see Candy and Grenda!!"

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Unlce Ford and Gruncle Stan."

"What about Wendy...hmmmm?" Mabel asked teasingly.

I shook my head. "The thing is, I was thirteen, she was 16 almost 17 at the time. I really liked her back then, it's just that. I really don't feel the same like I did before." I admitted.

The way I saw Wendy was that she is still absolutely gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but that summer that we spent together, she proved to be more of a big sister. With that, I lost all interest in her being something else.

"What! Really!? Man that sucks." Mabel said.

I shrugged as we walked the path full of leaves and past many trees. Then, we found a familiar tree that was knocked over. Once I saw it, I couldn't help myself as I stopped and crossed my arms with a huge smirk.

Mabel looked at me with a confused face. She looked at the tree and it was like memories just smacked her in the face like a boulder. She made a disgusted face. "I still can't believe that Norman was five Gnomes that threw up rainbow vomit."

I chuckled as I got down on one knee to look at the tree. "It looks exactly the same as we left it." The bark still had claw marks that wrapped around the tree.

I put my hand on it. It was the first time we witnesses something so weird. Right as my hand touched it, the whole tree denigrated to the ground making me jump back slightly.

"What the heck?" Mabel said backing up in shock as her smile disappeared.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. It turned to dust with ease. I was so confused, it looked like animals crawl all over that thing all the time.

"What did you do Dipper?" Mabel asked crossing her arms.

"I don't know. It looked and felt perfectly fine." I said stepping closer to the dust pile.

"All I know is that, it wasn't supposed to do that." I said getting back up and looked at Mabel.

"Maybe it was just old." She said with a shrug.

"Mabel, trees don't disintegrate when their old, they rot." I said narrowing my eyes.

"Whatever! I'm heading to the shack. Come when your done looking at dust!" She said grabbing her suitcase and walking away.

I watched her leave. I then looked back at the tree with questions swarming my head. I squinted my eyes at the pile, it was a weird color. It wasn't a grey or yellow like sawdust. It was a very dark blue that it almost looked grey. I dipped my hand in the dust. It was very fragile and soft as it flowed right out of my hands. This wasn't normal, even for Gravity Falls.

"I'll be seeing you very soon Pine Tree~"

A faint voice whispered in my ear. Quieter then quiet. It sent chills down my spine as I looked at my hand that touched the dust. The dust shaped itself into a small and sloppy triangle. My breathing quickened as my eyes widen.

"I thought you were going after Gruncle Stan." I mumbled.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I can't worry about this. I don't need to worry about it. I have beaten him before, I can do it again. 

I wiped my hand on my jeans and grabbed my suitcase. Plus, he is still a statue. I must just be over thinking. I started to walk towards the shack. But I also know not to underestimate Bill. Ever.

I tried to get him out of my mind, but it was like he wanted me to think about him. I can't act like this in front of everybody. I looked up and saw the Mystery Shack in view, still with the S on the ground. Maybe while I'm here I could fix it for Gruncle Stan.

A smile formed on my face. I missed this place for so long. I couldn't believe that I was really back.

"Welcome back to Gravity Falls Dipper." I said to myself.

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