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(Dipper's POV)

Crawling back to him?! Like I would ever. My blood started to boil. Not only has he appeared in my life again, he has tricked my family, embarrassed me in front of Mabel, and has be toying with me. For the past two weeks, I had to deal with his crap.

"You really think I would come crawling to you for sex? Just to be touched? You have manipulated my body into thinking its needs all that shit! I have went a very long time with out that crap and I don't need it now." I snarled.

My nails dug into his flesh. He let out a chuckle. "You are at war with yourself and its amusing. Saying and doing are two different things buddy." He followed my lead as his nails started to dig into my neck.

"Ever since you have been here, I have acted strange. You are just using me as your play toy cause you have nothing better to do than to suck your own dick!" Venom, poisonous venom dripped for every word that left my mouth.

"Is that so? I think we are seeing two different sides Pine tree."

"I am only seeing one." I growled.

He cocked an amused eyebrow as he felt a gulp from me. It was getting harder to breathe...just by the second, yet he wouldn't just let me blackout.

"If I didn't stop, you would have lost all control. I know what's in that dirty little mind of yours...but you want to block it out. Here, let me give you a taste of what I am talking about." He said, a huge grin forming on his face.

He snapped his fingers and the world seemed to be sucked into a hole. My body left the ground and Bill's hand left my throat.

I looked at Bill, who had his hands behind his back as he watched the world transform right in front of our eyes.

We ended up in the woods by the shack. It was dark and confusion hit me like a rock.

"Bill, what is happening?"

He chuckled and pushed me to walk. "You remember how I was gone for a good amount of time. Well, I had to know what was happening when I was out. So, I came here and started examining what was going on."

I looked in front of me, and a few feet away sat me on the ground struggling with Bill. I felt my heart drop as I realized what it was. He took me back to the night in the woods.

"You were watching this!" I screamed, my face becoming red.

He laughed. "Why of course. If I had the chance, I would relive this moment, but that's not the case right now. What we are looking at is the way you handled this situation." He said motioning for me to watch.

"Bill, I am not going to watch this." I said sternly as my stomach started to...float..

"Oh, so you don't want to explain yourself do you? Is it because you know I'm right about you using this as an excuse for you to be a sex maniac?" His smirk widen like the grinch on Christmas day.

I narrowed my eyes and looked back at us on the ground. This was the point I was trying to get him to dissapear before Mabel saw him.

I took a deep breath and let out a growl. "Fine."

"Now there's the spirit! Now all you have to do is explain every action you did."

I bit my lip as I watched, the whole thing play out. It was so much different watching it and actually being a part of it. The entire time I was struggling to concentrate. I was doing okay up until it came to the part with the phone.

I knew Bill was watching my struggled face as I trying to come up with a reason.

"From where I am standing. It looked like you were actually enjoying the vibrations of the cellular device. Just look at you." He said pulling me in and pointing.

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now