?¿ChApTeR 2¿?

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(Dipper's POV)

I stepped on the squeaky wooden steps that bent under me slightly. I could hear Mable talking inside. She was definitely a loud human. I tried to let all the thoughts of Bill slip my mind as I put a smile on. I pushed the door open.

Everything seem to be in the right place. All Gruncle Stan's weird nicnaks and things to show off to the public greeted me. Since the whole Bill apocalypse thing happened to the town, everyone believe anything now.

I shut the door and stretched my arms over my head. Sitting on the bus for over six hours does break your back a little bit. I looked around and didn't see anybody. I cocked an eyebrow and walked in to where the Tv was. There sat Woddles. The only thing that changed with him was that he got a tad big bigger.

Mabel was suffocating that pig with a huge hug. "I see you missed him." I chuckled.

"Of course I did. He is my buddy." She said as Woddles licked her.

I am pretty sure Woddles thinks he a dog sometimes. As I watched Mabel hug Woddles. A pair of arms wrapped around my waist and picked me off the ground. I let out a yelp and looked to see Gruncle Stan.

"How's my favorite kid doin?" He asked swinging me some.

I laughed and hugged him back the best I could. "Hey Gruncle Stan, did you go back in time or something because you don't look different at all." I asked.

He set me down and brushed off his suit proudly. "Now this is why you are my favorite." He laughed.

I playfully shoved him and then in return, he punched me. "Ow." I mumbled holding my arm but was still laughing.

"So how long are you kids plan on staying this time?" He asked walking to the chair and plopping down.

"Obviously all summer!" Mabel said putting her hands on her hips.

"Okay cool, you guys can work for me again." He said flipping through the channels of the Tv.

We both groaned and he laughed. Oh come one, you guys can go pick out something from the gift shop, but only one thing cause I said so. You all don't have to start until tomorrow anyways."

I sighed and grabbed my suitcase. "Alright, I'm going to put my stuff upstairs." I said pointing up the stairs.

Mabel already had her stuff up there I'm pretty sure since I didn't see it anywhere down stairs. I walked up the stairs and walked to our old room. Before I could open the door, Mabel stopped me.

"Dipper, wait!" She yelled running up the stairs.

I looked at her with a cocked head. "What?"

She stood in front of the door and put a stern face on. "This is my room. We aren't 12 anymore, go to your own room." She said pointing to a door on the opposite end of the floor.

"Uhhh okay." I said walking across the floor hesitantly and opening the door to the spare room. I looked exactly like Mabel's room except the window was big and was a stained glass of warm colors. The sun shined through, lighting up the room with a warm orange color. I had to admit it was pretty neat.

I turned on the light and started to unpack my clothes. A small dresser was provided, so that was good. It had dust all over it though. Gruncle Stan must have been using this room for storage since there was a lot of junk shoved to the opposite side of the room. I wasn't going to complain though.

I grabbed a stack of shirts and opened the first drawer. I put the rest of my clothes away and put my suitcase in the closet. The closet was also filled with stuff as I struggled to fit my suitcase in there. I finally got it in there and shut shut the door quickly before everything fell out. I leaned against it with a sigh as my thoughts started to go haywire.

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