?¿ChApTeR 24¿?

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(Dippers POV)

I finally made it home. Luckily my cheek didn't swell, but I could feel my eye bruising. I couldn't seem to have any emotion at all. I walked into the shack and shut it behind me.

"Gruncle Stan! Gruncle Ford! Anyone home!" I yelled. Silence replied back. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed an ice pack from the freezer and put it on my face.

That's when I got a glimpse of a note on the table.

Dear kids,
Me and your other Gruncle went to an outing. Just some gambling and what not since we can't let you guys have all the fun. Anyways don't bring anyone over and we will be back in the morning.

Gruncle Stan

I signed and threw the note in the trash. That explains where they went. Reading that note made me feel even more alone. I wanted someone here with me, even if that mean them not talking to me. Can't always get what you want. Yet, was it so much to ask for that little thing.

I shut the lights off and headed upstairs to my room. Slammed the door open and slammed it shut. The ice pack felt so good on my face. It was still hot for some reason. My eyebrows narrowed for a second as I felt my other cheek. It was really warm.

I definitely know it wasn't from Patricia. I felt sick around her. Maybe it was because of my injury and me running. Everything seems to be a mess anymore.

Pushing myself from the door, I slammed myself on the bed. I don't ever want to leave this comfort zone. Never in a million years. Why can't anything go my way? I was almost raped by not only one and truly Bill but by Patricia too. What is going on?? It just seems so weird that would ever happen to me.

Yeah, it really is. The thought ran through my head though as I sat up. Why was Patricia not attractive to me? Men love women, I did not like what I see. I mean I have already concluded that I'm not interested women, but why do I not find any other guy attractive? Bill is ever the only running through my mind.

Am I just a horny teenager or is there something else? I felt my face become warm. I was sexually assaulted and it brings me back to Bill. I shouldn't be thinking about it after what happened. Bill is something else.

Yet.... I looked around my room. I even went to my door and opened it. "Anyone home!!" I yelled again.

Silence greeted me. I shut my door and went back to my bed. What is actually wrong with me? I just felt.... So needy. No other emotion. Anger and sadness was still there, yet this was way more powerful.

Bill didn't interrupt when things were going down with Patricia, maybe he won't notice this time. It's been bugging me. It was almost becoming dreadful.

I took one last look. Jeez, you better forgive yourself for this one you horny bitch. I told my self. I was on my knees and spread my legs out. I was still looking around. Being very careful of all my surroundings. I never got hard with her. But thinking of Bill was doing the job.

I lifted my shirt. It brought me back to what Patricia was doing and I stopped. For a second anyways. I got her out of my mind and slid my hand up and down my chest.

I could feel tiny scraps and scratches, but it didn't bother me. I let out a shaking breath. The need and the feeling in my crotch becoming bigger.

Usually I never want Bill to help out, but every time he did, it felt so fucking good. Better then anything. I undid my belt and the button to my jeans.

My eyes did another round of of the room. Making sure I was still alone. Then they were brought back down to what I was working on. Slowly, I unzipped my jeans. Once again,
I looked around.

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