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(Dipper's POV)

The last few days were rough. All I wanted to do was sit in my room and do absolutely nothing. My life is so messed up. Only on the first week. Bill was messing with me. It was really effecting my thinking and my daily activities. I didn't want to do shit until I figured what was Bill's problem.

After the incident, I didn't get up out of bed at all the day after. Thoughts and questions swarmed my mind. Like it was begging me to answer it right that second, but I had no clue what to say.

I was also questioning my actions that night. Letting him get to me. Making me that way. It was a sick move to put on me. Not only did I actually feel wanted in my life other than family, it felt so....nice.

It would be every other hour that I would feel that way. To be touched. It was so addicting. Then the thought came to mind what Bill was doing. Was he trying to get me to the point where I would somehow set him free? Was he trying to distract me by feeling this way and playing with my mind?

What ever he was doing, it was very cruel. The next day, I didn't have much time to sulk. Gruncle Stan had a big gig that day and needed help setting up for it. I cleaned all day that day with Mabel talking her mouth off. Soos, was hammering stuff up...and then I noticed something that day. Where was Wendy? I asked Gruncle Stan, he told me that her and her family moved after some horrible family emergency a few years back.

Well that answered that question. To bad I couldn't see her again. It's just how is right now. Fortunately I haven't seen Bill in the last couple of days. If he is telling the truth, there is no way he would be in any trouble right now unless it from a different dimension.

That day, I had to be dressed up as a beast for the act. I didn't want to but I was forced. The suit was so hot and I was burning up inside of it. While I was pretend to attack something, I felt the similar feeling of burning through my body. The same kind of burning that I felt that night. I lost consintration and fell of the porch. We had to cut the show early. After I got out od the suit, the rest of the day, my body was hot and I felt so needy. I am going to have to control it very soon or everyone is going to be suspicious.

The last couple of days were the same, cleaning for Gruncle Stan and all that bullshit stuff on the side. I could tell that Mable could see something was wrong. I couldn't tell her. It was bothering her and every time she asked, I put a smile on and say "I am just staring out in to space." I wasn't completely lying.

The thing that did get me is, if Bill did come back and have another one of those episodes again, would I be able to keep it together? The first time I hesitated but pushed him off quickly. The second time was so much more different. I actually went in to it like some horny cat. I was so close to breaking, but got it together and got Bill out of it.

Then.... He didn't black out the third time. My eyes widen slightly as that thought entered my mind. How did I not noticed it? I was explaining what happened and then boom, he was on me. That was the strongest that it has ever felt. I was being stubborn that time, but I wasn't nessiarly trying my hardest either. I could have kicked him, or thrown my head into his nose again. I didn't do any of that. Instead, I played it by his way and ended up not being any better myself.

I am so confused and I want answers so bad. I want to know why he does it to me. Why does it affect me? Why did it feel so fucking good? The way he looked at me, why did he look at me that way? Why?


I blinked a couple of times and looked up. There sat Mabel, Uncle Ford, Grucle Stan, and Soos. They all had cards in there hands and were staring at me.

I could feel my face burn. "Oh, is my turn?" I asked looking through my cards.

"Yeah, it is kid." Gruncle Stan said as he picked something out of his teeth with a toothpick.

I chuckled nervously. "Okay, um, Mabel, got any twos?" I asked rubbing my temple.

She looked at me with a worried expression. A frown was planted on her face. "Go fish."

I grabbed a card and rubbed my eyes. Dang, I haven't gotten much sleep. I am so tired. It got silent as I looked back up.

Everyone continued to stare at me. "What?"

"Are you okay Dipper, this is like the 20th time to have went completely robotic like." Soos asked.

"Yeah, you have been acting so weird since we got here. What is going on?" Mabel asked setting her cards down.

The spot light was on me. I needed to make up an excuse, but what? "I haven't been sleeping well since we got here. I don't know why, but I am so tired all the time." I said, yes, great excuse.

Mabel crossed her arms. "Is that really all you have. I can tell you're tired, but something else has to be wrong. Ever since I caught you running off into the the woods in the middle of the night, you are acting so odd. Tell me what it is Dipper."

That didn't work. I could see Gruncle Stan's eyes widen as he turned to me. Uncle Ford looked like he was about to explode. He was very figity.

"You kids snuck out of the house? Why?" He asked with a very serious tone.

Now we were both in trouble. Shit. "Well, I woke up to Dipper running down the stairs and then out of the house. I just followed." Mable said.

"Okay, Dipper what is going through your head? You know you are not allowed to be out that late at night, especially with the chance of the stupid Dorito chip still out there. It's practically law to not go out that late at night. What is going on with You?"

I sat there not knowing what to say. I looked at Uncle Ford, but he was already gone. I didn't know what his deal was. I started to panic a little. So much has happened with in a week, I was getting overwhelmed and stressed. I have kept things locked up inside of me and now they are breaking me. I don't want to hurt them, but if I tell them, I wouldn't know what they would think of me.

I gulped down the stress that was building up and sighed. "Look, I told you the truth, I am not sleeping well for some weird reason. I snuck out the first day and I didn't know I wasn't allowed out. I was just trying to clear my head so I could sleep."

I looked up at them with huge bags under my eyes. Even though I had proof to my lie, they didn't by it. "I know you Dipper, me and Mabel both. You have better tell us what is going on before something happens. This is not like you at all." Stan said pointing his finger to the table.

"It's your choice rather you believe me or not." I said getting up.

"Well if makes you feel any better, I am very scared of turning 18. Once we are 18, everything is probably going to change. I'm going up stairs and going to sleep. I am so tired." I said with calm and low voice as I made my towards the stairs.

Surprisingly they didn't try to stop me. I wasn't going to get mad. How could I? They don't understand what had happened, I kinda plan on keeping it that way for a very long time.

I got to my room and laid down on bed, to exhausted to do shit. The only thing running through my mind was that son of a bitch demon.

What have you done to me?

Dipper x Bill Where stories live. Discover now