Second Quirk(Chapter 7)

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Your POV

"Shinsou?" I questioned as my breathing started to return to it's normal pace. Shinsou stopped hugging me and looked me in the eyes. "It's my fault, isn't it?" Shinsou asked looking extremely guilty.

I felt bad. How am I supposed to respond to that? 'Ya Shinsou it's all your fault after you left I had a panic attack because you keep being an asshole.' Ya cause that conversation would end well.

There wasn't anything that came to my mind to say. I don't want to make him feel bad like it was his fault even though it technically is. At the same time it's not his fault at all.

I should be in check of my emotions. I shouldn't have gotten attached to someone. This was more my fault then it was his but I know he'll never see it that way. And me staying silent is only making him believe it's his fault even more.

Seeing what was going on Midnight quickly left the room. She most likely will figure out what happened one way or another and her being here is awkward.

"It's more my fault than yours." I responded, not really wanting to go any further with my explaination. "What makes you say that?" he inquired clearly unconvinced.

I really don't want to talk about this with him but I don't think there's a way not avoid it. "For starters I never would've had any panic attacks at all if I kept my emotions in check." I said hoping that this conversation would end.

"Your human. You can't control your emotions. People can however control their actions. I was an asshole so it's my fault. Also what was your nightmare about earlier?"

Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. I take back wanting that conversation to end. This is much, much worse. "I uh, had a nightmare about someone chasing and killing me." I lied on the spot.

My father was very strict so I became a very good liar but it can be different around different people. "I can tell you're lying but I'm not gonna push you to tell me. I'll wait for you to be ready to share that information with me." he backed up and extended his hand for me to get up.

Hesitantly, I took Shinsou's hand and stood up. School work is the last thing I want to deal with after all that. Plus all the shit that other students are gonna say. 'oh I faked a panic attack'.

Ya cause that makes sense. The last thing I want is people thinking I'm weak so there's no reason for me to fake one. Besides why would you fake something like that? It's just a shitty thing to do.

Almost as if Shinsou read my mind he led me outside the school using a side door cause why would you go out the front? "I figured you wouldn't want to go to class after all that." he said sheepishly. I just nodded.

"How do get out without using the front?" I asked. "Didn't think that through." he responded. "Ok I know what we can do but don't ask any questions or anything." I stated. Shinsou looked confused but didn't say anything.

I wrapped  my arm around his waist and literally ran up the wall and jumped off once I got to the top. No one knows this but I accually have two quirks. One of them is mind reading. The other one is called Inhance.

It pretty much means I can inhance pretty much anything. My speed, strength, eye sight, hearing. Each enhancement only lasts seven minutes and I have to wait two minutes before enhancing anything after that.

The quirk is from my mother through mine is stronger. I didn;t use it during the entrence exam because, 1. I never used it so I forgot I had it, 2. I don't really like using it.

Shinsou looked shocked and very confused afterwards but didn't say anything about it. We kept walking until be reached a mall. Befoer Shinsou could react I grabbed his hand, unconciously interwinding our fingers and ran into the mall.

Since a villain raised me I never got to do anything fun that normal teenagers would so this excited me. Though sometimes Toga would buy me new clothes and stuff Dabi did too.

Toga usually bought girly stuff for me that i didn;t really like but I was too thankful for it to tell her. Dabi would get me clothes that I liked more but I kinda dressed like a female version of him sometimes.

I led Shinsou into the mall and walked around till I saw a store thst perked my interest. Shinsou was too tired and careless to pay attention to where I was leading him.

In the store there was a bunch of cat things. I grabbed two matching sweaters with a cat drinking coffee on them and grabbed a cat mug as well.

I payed for the items and dragged Shinsou back out. "You hungry?" I asked leading him aorund the mall. He nodded so I pulled him into a resturant and waited at the front for someone to come.

"Table for two?" I waitress greeted I nodded and she lef us to a table, giving us menu's.  I looked through the menu and found what I wanted quickly.

When I looked up I saw Shinsou putting his menu down with blush fading off his face. "Are you okay Shinsou? Your super red." I asked which cause him to blush more. "Y-ya." he responded resulting in me chuckling.

After a few minutes of peaceful silence the waitress came back over and asked for our orders.  "I'll have F/F and F/D, please." I said looking back over to Shinsou.

I wasn't paying attention but he ordered as well and the waitress walked away. It would probably be a while before our food was done and it'd be awkward to sit here in silence so I broke it. "Why were you blushing earlier by the way?" I asked

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