The League? (Chapter 2)

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A/N: If something is underlined and in italics it is other people's thoughts.


It was my first day at UA and I arrived with Midnight and she showed me where my classroom was. I walked in and there were only a few kids in there. I took a seat in the back of the room next to a lavender haired boy.

He had purple eyes with dark bags under them, and his hair was a mess.
I took out my phone and earbuds and started listening to music. It was mid song when someone tapped on my shoulder. My E/C eyes met purple ones. "Your music is a little too loud, and the teacher is here." He said.

"Oh sorry...?" I said waiting for his name. I put my phone and earbuds away and realized the room was now full of kids. "Shinsou, Hitoshi Shinsou." He said.

"Y/N Shigaraki nice to meet you Shinsou". I said. He just rolled his eyes and looked back at the front of the classroom. Rude.

After School

I was supposed to meet Mr. Aizawa in one of the gyms beging the school. While walking there I felt like someone was following me but I just ignored it. Beige heading here I changed into a pair of black shorts and a F/C t-shirt.

Once I reached the gym I opened the door and saw a male with black hair and black baggy clothes. "Hello Shigeraki and Shinsou." Mr. Aizawa said. I was super confused so I whipped my head around and saw Shinsou standing behind me. Oh so that's who was following me.

Great now I have train with a kid that hates me, off to a great start. "The reason why I decided to train you both is because you have very powerful quirks. You got put in General Studies because the entrance exams were not fit for your quirks.

Shinsou and I both nodded but stayed silent. I did wonder what his quirk was though. "You guys will be sparing so I can see how good your combat skills are." He informed us.

"With or without quirks?" I questioned curious. "Without for right now." He replied. "Well that might be a bit of a problem, I can't exactly shut it off. I can't stop using it." I said.

Mr. Aizawa's hair lifted defying gravity and his eyes became red. "Can you use it now?" He asked. "Yup." I stated bluntly. "Well since you can't shut yours off and my quirk doesn't work against it looks like you guys will use your quirks.

Shinsou and I both walked over to the mat and got in a fighting stance. I have no idea what his quirk is so this might be a little difficult.

We walked in circles for a minute before he lunged at me. I could read his mind though so I just dodged his punch and kicked him to the floor. I got on top of his and held down his legs and hands.

"Shigaraki wins." Mr. Aizawa stated. I got off of Shinsou and helped him up. We got back into our fighting stance. "Did you even use your quirk, what is it?" Shinsou asked. "Yes, it's-" before I could finish my sentence my body froze up and I couldn't control my body anymore. "Tap out." He ordered.
"I give up." Came out of my mouth.

Then I was released from his quirk. Great he can control my mind. "Shinsou wins." Mr. Aizawa said. I'm guessing that I need to talk to him for him to use his quirk. So all I have to do is keep my mouth shut and I'll win everytime.

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