Mall 'Date' (Chapter 8)

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"Why were you blushing earlier by the way?" I asked curiously. Once again heat rose to Shinsou's cheeks as he tried to cover his face and hide it which just made it more obvious. " I wasn't blushing earlier." he protested but to no avail. I wasn't believing it, despite that I chose to leave him alone on the matter for now.

There was now an awkward silence between us as I had nothing to start a conversation with. I shifted uncomfortably and took my phone out to pass the time, trying to avoid the awkward tension.

After about ten minutes passed the waitress came back holding two plates full of our food. I exited the amazing fan fic I was reading and sliped my phone away.

The plates were placed in front of each of us and the waitress left with an 'enjoy your meal.' Shinsou and I both started to eat in silence and I didn't dare look up at him.

We quickly fisnished our meals without speaking to each other and asked for the check. I entended my hand with the money for our food but Shinsou pushed my hand out of the way handing the waitress his own money.

"I'm paying." he stated sternly. Me being the stuborn ass I am replied "No. I'm paying. I'm the one who dragged you to the mall." Shinsou clearly wasn't happy with my reply and the waitress sweatdropped eyes shifting between Shinsou and I. Eventually the waitrees took Shinsou's money resulting in me pouting angrily.

"What do you want to do now?" Shinsou asked as we left the resturant and walked into the big mall, once again. "I don't know. Maybe we could catch a movie?" I suggested.

Right after those words left my lips a crushing thought entered my mind. "Shit, were supposed to train with Aizawa today!" I exclaimed worridly.

Shinsou reached into his pocket and took out his phone, most likey to check the time. Once he did so he eyes widend and he grabbed my hand running out of the mall back into the direction of the school.

Skipping classes doesn't worry me, but skipping training with Aizawa or being late?! That's a big nono. Trying to keep my skirt down while running wasn't easy and the wind wasn't excatly helping my problem.

Due to the wind my hair was flying everywhere and Shinsou was still holding my one hand and my other was holding my phone and keeping my skirt down.

Sweat started to form on my forehead and my hand that was connected to Shinsou's. After running for waht felt like an eternity we arrived at UA's front gates.

Shinsou and I ran to the side wall surrounding the school and I slung my arm around his waist so he wouldn't fall as I climbed the wall using my seond quirk and enhancing my speed.

Once we got over the wall and jumped down the bell rang and kids started flooding out of the school. Quickly, I ran, still using my quirk, to the gym building behind the school where we meet Aizawa for training.

Before we walked in I removed my arm from Shinsou's waist and opened the door, stepping in. "Both of you skipped you end of the day classes and barely made it here on time." Aizawa gruffed looking at us when we stepped through the door. Shinsou and I exchanged glances not knowing if we should tell him.

"Shinsou took me to the nurse's office after lunch and I didn't want to be at school the rest of the day after that so we went out for a bit then I remembered we had training today." I explained leaving out the part where I had a panic attack.

"I am well aware of why you went to Recovery Girl, Shigaraki. What doesn't make sense is there is no way you could get in and out of UA so easily and get here in time." he said looking me dead in the eyes being the intimidating hobo that he is.

"Since you were both late due to being on your little date, you owe me 50 laps. No using quirks." he informed us. Shinsou and I looked at each other, lightly blushing, then went to the changing rooms and quickly changed into out workout clothes.

We started to run around the outside of the gym at the same pace. "Wait. Neither of our quirks could be used for running laps." I stated, confused looking at Aizawa as I was running. "Shinsou's quirk might not. And reading minds might not but we both know you have more than one quirk."

As those words came out of Mr. Aizawa's mouth I stopped dead in my tracks with my eyes practically bulging out of my head. After a second Shinsou also stopped. "How did you-" I started but was cut off. "I'm not dumb there's no way you could've gotton out and back into UA without using the front gates unless you had another quirk."

I quickly recovered from what happened and just kept running with Shinsou trailing behind me. After we ran 30 laps Aizawa stopped us. "That was only 30 la-?" I tried saying but was once again cut off.

"I was lying. You're going to need some energy to spar. If you ran the 50 laps you'd both be laying on the ground right now ready to pass out from exhaustion." he huffed as if was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Now Shigaraki I want to know more about that second quirk of your's and why you didn't use it in the entrence exams." Aizawa said motioning us to come over and sit on the ground near where he was standing. I sat down and started to explain.

" It's called Inhance. It means I can inhance pretty much anything. My speed, strength, eye sight, hearing. Each enhancement only lasts seven minutes and I have to wait two minutes before enhancing anything after that." I explained avoiding eye contact.

1010 words

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