I want to go to UA (Chapter 1)

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"I know you wanted to go to highschool like a normal teenager, but I can't take that chance. Being a villan has some disadvantages" my father said.

I could tell without even using my quirk that he didn't really care what I wanted. I had already applied for UA. I just nodded my head and walked out of the bar down the hallway to the last room.

My room was really small and all it had was a bed, a nightstand and, a dresser. I pulled out the top drawer and grabbed a pair of black jeans and a F/C hoodie. I pulled on a pair of combat boots and pulled my H/C hair into a ponytail. (If you have short hair just ignore this) 

I knew that everyone in the league would be asleep within the next hour so I waited.

After a hour passed

I got of my bed slowly so it wouldn't creek and grabbed my phone and it's charger. I grabbed a small bag a put a few outfits in it. I slowly opened the door so I could barely fit through.

Everything here makes a lot of noise when you touch it. I shut the door behind me and walked down the dark hallway. It was around midnight so it was pitch black outside.

Once I got to the bar I noticed the light was on and I saw Dabi sitting on the couch looking at me. Shit, I am so fucked.

"Where do you think you're going Y/N?" Dabi asked already knowing the truth. "Uh.... for a walk?" I responded though it sounded more like a question.

"It's ok, I won't tell Shigaraki. But if you see Endeavor, kick him in the balls for me." He said.  Well that's not the reaction I was expecting. "Thank you so much Dabi, you were always my favorite person in the league." I complimented.

Dabi raised an eyebrow and took another sip of his beer. I walked over and gave him a quick hug before leaving. The UA entrance exams are tommorow so I should find a place to stay for the night.

I walked a few miles before finding a park and I payed down on a bench. It was raining so I was cold and wet but it didn't really bother me. I eyes started to get heavy and they closed.

Time skip to 5:30am

"Hey, wake up. What are you doing on a park bench?" Asked a young women.

My eyes fluttered open and I saw a young beautiful women with dark purple hair and bright blue eyes, she looked kinda familiar but I didn't question it.

"Oh, well I- ...uh. I ran away from my home because I wasn't allowed to go to the high school I wanted, or any school at all." I said contemplating on whether or not I should tell her about my dad.

"Oh, well what school did you want to go to, and what's your name?" The women asked. "UA, I already applied I just really hope I get in. My name is Y/N Shigaraki." I mumbled as I sat up.

(Please don't comment stuff like 'do you recognize that name midnight' or anything like that. it makes me uncomforble)

The young women had a bright smile on her face as she said "Well great news, I can help with that! I'm a pro hero. My hero name is Midnight." Oh, so that's why she looked fimilair.

"I am one of the teachers there. Actually I was heading there right now, want to come? It would be a few hours before the exam starts but you'll be able to meet some of the other teachers" " Uh, sure I don't see why not." Just as I said that I heard someone right towards us at full speed yelling my name.

I turned around to see my father running towards me. I quickly got up and said "We have to go, now" Midnight looked confused for a second before turning her head to see where I was looking.

Midnight grabbed my hand and we both started running towards UA. Once we got within the gates we couldn't hear running or see him anymore.

Midnight look at me before saying "How do you know him?" I didn't want to tell her but it didn't seem like I had much of a choice. "That's my dad, Tomura Shigaraki. He is part of the League of villans" I mumbled refusing to make eye contact.

Instead of saying something she pulled me into a hug. I hadn't been given a real hug in years so it felt kinda weird.

"Who are the League of Villans?" She asked looking at me with concern and curiosity. "My dad never gave me much info about the whole thing but all I know is they want to reshape the hero society and kill All Might." I stated finally looking her in the eyes.

After the entrance exams

Since I still didn't have a place to stay I started walking back to the park but I felt a hand tap my shoulder. I turned around and saw Midnight staring at me.

"I'm guessing you don't have a place to stay?" She asked. I just shook my head. "Well good news, you can stay with me!" She exclaimed. Midnight seemed a little too happy about me staying with her so I couldn't refuse.

"Ok, sure" I mumbled

At Midnight's Apartment

"Ok, so this is your room and I am right next door if you need me." Midnight stated. I nodded as she left. Me being the imature teenager that I was I jumped on the bed a little before laying down.

The results of the entrance exam come back in a week. I honestly don't think I'll make it in since I didn't really get points. My quirk wasn't really fit for the entrance exam.

A week later (because your author is lazy)

I was sitting on my bed reading on my phone when Midnight burst into my room and ran over to me. She had a envelope in her hands. She already knew that Y/N was getting in but she wanted to see their reaction.

No matter how bad I wanted to use my quirk to read Midnight's mind. I didn't, I wanted it to be a surprise. I took the white envelope and tore it open.

After watching the video thingy(idk what it's called)

General Studies. I didn't get into 1A or 1B but atleast I made it into UA. Despite the fact that Y/N only got into General studies Midnight was so happy, and really proud of them.

"You can get transferred from General Studies to 1A if you do good during the Sports Festival. Also the 1A teacher wants to train you and another kid from General Studies who's quirk wasn't useful during the exam." She informed me. This gave me hope and got me really excited.

A/N: This took so long to write but I hope you like it and you should check out my other stories.

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