Girl Talk (Chapter 9)

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Mr. Aizawa let us go after I had explained my second quirk and why I didn't use it during the entrence exams. Shinsou had offered to walk me home afterwards which I gladly excepted. Now I'm making dinner for mom and I since she should be home sometime soon and when she is...she's gonna make sure she knows every detail of what happened today.

I suck at cooking and am just worried about not burning the house down so I just settled on making instint ramen. It's not really like Mom can complain, she wouldn't have it in the house if she didn't like it. I finshed making the ramen and by that, I mean the microwave went off. After I took the first cup of ramen out I replaced it with another.

As I started the microwave again I heard keys jingle and enter the lock. Mom's home. I took one of the cups of ramen and set it on the coffee table that was by the couch. "Hey Y/N! Hurry up with your food, I want to know what happened today with Shinsou!" she greeted. 'Geez, blunt much?'

I nodded and skipped back off to the kitchen when I heard it go off again. Back at the lov we used to eat instint ramen all the time. The only time I got real food was when Toga and I made it for everyone, and that wasn't often. I took my cup of ramen from the microwave and grabbed two bottles of water on my way back to the living room.

When I got back into the living room Mom was already changed into her cozy home clothing and was sitting on the couch, covered with a blanket as she ate her ramen. I happily joined her though I dreaded having to deal with her fan girling once I tell her what happened today.

As I started to eat my ramen Mom kept looking at me expecting me to start explaining what happened. I let out a sigh and looked up at her, she looked way too excited for this. "You already know what happened leading up to my seccond panic attack so I'll just continue from there." I started.

Mom nodded eagerly for me to continue so I did. "After you left Shinsou figured I wouldn't want to be at school anymore, which he was right, so we ditched. After we left the school we went to the mall, looked around a few stores and got food. We were having fun then I remembered that we had training with Aizawa today so we both ran back to school and got there just in time." I explained in little detail as possible, leaving out bits a pieces that she didn't need to know about.

Mom looked very happy with this new information but then her eyebrows furrowed together. "Wait, how did you get past the gate?" she asked looking at me. "Oh ya I forgot about that part! I have two quirks. The first one, as you know, is mind reading, the other one is called inhance. It means I can inhance pretty much anything. My speed, strength, eye sight, hearing. Each enhancement only lasts seven minutes and I have to wait two minutes before enhancing anything after that." I answered her question.

"That's so cool!" she exclaimed. "Why didn't you use it during the entrence exams though?" she continued. "I don't use it ever so I forgot I had it." I laughed at my own stupidity. On the bright side though, if I did use it I might of gotton in ther hero course and wouldn't of gotton close to Shinsou. "That makes since I guess. Also, are you going to go on another date with Shinsou?" she questioned causing me to choke on the ramen that I had in my mouth.

After coughing a bit I had recovered. "What do you mean another date!?" I yelled. "You two skipped school, went to the mall, got food, and ran back to the school together so you wouldn't get yelled at by Aizawa. That sounds like a date to me." Mom chuckled. I felt a blush creep up on my cheeks and reach all the way to my ears. "It wasn't a date!" I retorted.

Mom chuckled at the flustered reaction and sighed. "Sureeeee" she taunted caughing me to groan. "You know what I'm just gonna go to bed." I informed her as I got up taking our emtpy ramen cups and water bottles with me. I threw away the ramen cups and washed the forks we used and put the water bottles in the bag of recycling.

As I was walking up the stairs to my room I could hear Mom shouting things like "Are you and Shinsou dating yet?" or "Are you gonna kiss him?" after me but I just ignored her. I'm super tired but I still have a little homework that needs to get done. The only thing I had to do was read a few chapters in some boring book so I grabbed it and laid down in my bed.

Sometime during reading I had fallin asleep but I woke up to the sound of my cell phone ringing. When I picked my phone up off my nightstand it said 'unknown caller' which made me feel kinda anxious but I picked it up any way.

A/N: I'm gonna write this as if it was texting cause it's easier for me but it's a phone call. Also you are in italics the caller is underlined

Hey Shigaraki

Who is this?

Oh right, sorry.
It's Shinsou

Oh, hey Shinsou.
How'd you get my number?

That's for me to know
and for you to figure out.

Okay then. Why'd you call?

I was just checking up on you.
Also if you have another nightmare
you can call me.
Sorry for waking
you up by the way.

Oh thanks but I'm not gonna wake you up for something like that. And it's fine I accually fell asleep while doing homework

Oh haha. Also I don't sleep much so you won't wake me up when you call.

I don't sleep much either
because of nightmares and
stuff but thanks for the offer.

Ok well once you finish homework you should try and get some sleep.

I will. And Shinsou...?


Thank you, for today

Anytime. Goodnight Shigaraki

Goodnight Shinsou

I pressed the hang up button and sighed as a smile made it's way across my face. I saved Shinsou in my contacts as 'Insomniac💤☕🌜🧠' and quickly fell asleep afterwards completely forgetting about finishing the chapter in the book for homework.

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