3rd (Chapter 17)

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"What happened before her match against Bakugou?!"


"That's a lie! I've seen her train, she wouldn't of fought like that and lost so quickly if something didn'g happen!"

"What makes you think that it was me?!"

"Your the only person she talks to! If someone else said something to her it wouldn't of bothered her!"

My eyes wouldn't open but I could hear voices arguing back and fourth near me. It sounded like my mom and Shinsou...

No matter how much I tried, my body wouldn't move and my eyes wouldn't open. Even though I had probably been asleep for awhile I'm still really tired so I drifted back off to sleep.
"You love her, don't you?"


"When I came in here you were holding her hand and she's the only person you hang out with!"

"She's a friend!"

"You kissed her!"

"That was an accident!"

"Why are you so oblivious and in denial!"

"Why does any of this matter?!"

"You are the reason she didn't beat Bakugou!"

"She got farther than me!"

"Great, so you were an asshole to her before her match cause you didn't win?!"

"I wasn't-"

The same voices from last time could be heard but my eyes still wouldn't budge.
When I woke up I was in a bed in Recovery Girls office. There was no one in sight but it was still light outside. Then Recovery Girl walked over to the bed.

"Uh, how long was I out for...?" I asked breaking the silence. "Not long actually considering you got one of Bakugou's explosions to the face." she answered.

"It's a good thing you woke up when you did. Bakugou's and Todoroki's match just ended." she informed me. Then everything that happened before flooded back into my head.

"Well when your ready you can get up and leave. They'll give the medals soon so ya might want to hurry." she advized. I nodded my head and stood up from the bed. My legs were a little wobbily but sfter a second I was fine.

"Your uniform is a little toasted so you can change into a new one real quick." she said and handed me a new uniform and walked away.

I went out of the room and walked down the hallways to the girls locker room. Since my current outfir is a bit burned I'll just through it out after I change. I slipped off the old uniform, put on the new one, amd threw my old one out in the garbage.
All Might was giving us our medals as he said random cheesy stuff that I didn't pay attention to. It was so hard not to laugh when I looked over at Bakugou.

Bakugou had a muzzle on and looked pissed! I've got no clue what went on when I was asleep but this is hilarious.
"You did amazing!" Mom/Midnight beamed.
"I was only in third place though..." I sulked. "The only training you've had was with Aizawa and I'm guessing you father. Class 1A amd 1B have actual hero training." she explained.

"Ya but we've trained with the same teacher. Plus I have two quirks and everyone I fought had one!" I pointed out. "Only one of your quirks is phyiscal and you don't get as much training time." she reasoned.

"Still...I could've done better." I restated.

560 words
This is short for a reason
I'm currently working on the last chapter

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