Nosy Midnight (Chapter 3)

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There was no point in trying to get away from him again, and if I spoke he would probably use his quirk. Our faces were extremely close, only about an inch apart. His hands were on both sides of my head, they were holding him up but so he was still pinning me down.

I have no idea what happened but his arms lost strength and his lips crashed into mine. I was hella surprised for a second until I kissed him back.

Shinsou slightly but my lip so I opened my mouth allowing his tongue in. He explored every corner of my mouth until we pulled apart. Our breathing was super heavy but I couldn't have been happier in that moment.

(Please don't comment stuff like 'didn't we just meet shinsou today?' I don't like those comments)

I really shouldn't have to come back and add more to this but Yall are rude so I do. If you say any rude comments on me asking Yall to not say that I will delete your comment, your being a bitch.

I truely don't know what goes on in someones head that they think its okay to continue pushing on us just meeting Shinsou today when I already said I don't like those comments. Yes we met him today, if you don't like it, don't read it.

Currently with my writing I would never have things go that fast in a book since at the moment I like writing slow burns but I wrote this chapter a year ago and a lot has changed in that time. If you don't like the book moving so fast I don't care.

If you want, go read my monoma book. Its a slow burn, but don't be a dick in that comment section either. Im very proud of my writing in that book.

Shinsou got off me and helped me up. Our fingers interwind and we walked back into the restaurant. We sat back at our booth just as our food arrived.

We both started eating and stayed silent. This is the most akward thing that has ever happened to me. God this is so weird. Why did I kiss her?! I mean is wasn't bad, but now everything is weird. I truly love my quirk sometimes.

I laughed a little, I tried to hold it back but it didn't work. "What could you possibly be laughing at?" He asked looking really confused. "Remember how I said I couldn't turn my quirk off." I stated as he turned beet red.

We finished our food and I asked for the check. Instead of our waitress coming up to us, the owner did. "Y/N you don't need to pay, it's on the house. Also, you didn't tell me you ran away from the league." He said. I immediately grabbed Shinsou, and our bags, and ran out the door into the street.

After running down a few roads we finally ended up in a alley to catch our breath. "It's getting kinda late we should go home." I said finally catching my breath. He nodded his head and we walked down the streets in silence until we had to part.

I walked to Midnight's apartment I walked in and Midnight immediately ran up to me. "Aizawa wasn't supposed to keep you that long. We're you hanging out with Shinsou. Oooo did you guys kiss." She kept rambling on and on. My face was red and her rambling got more and more weird.

"Ok, ok, Midnight I'll tell you everything that happened if you leave me alone." I said. "Ok! Also you can call me Nemuri if you want. I nodded my head and started to explain. "After training I went to get dinner with Shinsou and a waitress started to flirt and show her chest to Shinsou. I got mad and I knew the owner so I told him.

The owner is an old friend of my father's. The lady got fired but Shinsou heard my conversation with the owner and asked what the league was. I didn't tell him the truth, but he used his quirk on me.

After he let me out of his control I ran. I didn't get that far before he caught me but he was off balance and landed on top of me. " I explained. Nemuri just looked at me before saying "that's not the full story, come on tell me!"

I sighed but gave in "He was like an inch away from me and his arms were holding me up but they gave out and we kissed. We went back into the diner and ate our food. The owner said we didn't have to pay but it turns out he did know that I ran away from the league. I grabbed Shinsou and we ran."

Nemuri looked at me for a second almost as if she were disappointed and said "You only kissed." I nodded my head and she started to go off again. "Seriously only kissed, you didn't make out or fu-" before she could finish her sentence I out my hand over her mouth. "First of all, I barely know him second of all nobody is gonna like a villans kid." I said.

Nemuri looked simpatheticly and said "He kissed you after finding that out so I'm pretty sure your wrong." I was really tired and didn't want to deal with this so I just went to my room to do homework. I took out my bag and started to do the little homework that was given.

It wasn't much so I quickly finished it and got changed into black  sweatpants and a F/C shirt. I got in bed and tried to fall asleep but now all I could think about was Shinsou and the kiss.

783 words
A/N: I know this chapter is short and a day late but it's fine. Byeeeeeee

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