Midoriya vs Shinsou (Chapter 14)

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I was walking around since I wasn't too hungry right now, though I do plan on eating before the next game, just not now. Voices could be heard so I walked over to the area and peeked around the wall to see who was there.

"Are you really All Might's secret love child or something?" I heard Todoroki ask Midoriya. I look away from them and put my hand over my mouth so they can't hear me laughing.

Even though what Todoroki said was really funny I have a gut feeling that I shouldn't be hearing this so I just walked away.

When I got to the food area I couldn't find Shinsou at all no matter how long or where I looked. I quickly ate some food and left to continue looking for Shinsou.


Everyone that was still in was standing in a group as my mom spoke about stuff that I didn't bother to listen to. Suddenly a kid with a tail raised his hand and withdrawed, I believe that he was on Shinsou's team.

The kid didn't want to continue because he didn't rememberf anything and his concious wouldn't let him continue.

Personally I think the choice was foolish but it doesn't really effect me so I don't care. Another kid raised his hand and said he wanted to withdraw for the same reason.

I know what it's like to have Shinsou controling you but throwing away a good opportunity as this is just dumb.

"This sort of talk is increadibly naive my boys, it turns me on!" Midnight exclaimed. I practically gaged at the words that just came out of my mothers mouth.

So that we would have enough people, two people from a team that didn't make it before were allowed back in. It was TetsuTetsu and some girl with vines for hair, I don't know her name, I wasn't paying attention.

The pairings for the fights were shown, Shinsou had to go against Midoriya for his first match and I had to go against Mina Ashido.

The name doesn't seem too familiar to me so I walked up to Midoriya. "Hey, do you know who Mina Ashido is?" I asked since he was the only 1A kid that wasn't half bad plus I've already talked to him a bit.

"Oh uh, ya. She has pink hair and pink skin, she was on Kaachan's team. Her quirk is acid, it's pretty self explanitory. Do you know anything about this Shinsou guy?" he explained and questioned.

Honestly, I don't know if I want to tell him. Midoriya seems really nice and he gave me information on my opponint but it feels wrong to do that. Shinsou is the only friend I have and I know how much this means to him.

I was internally battling with myself when Midoriya spoke up, "I can tell your close to him and don't want to tell me. Don't worry, it's fine. I'll figure something out." After he said that it made me feel a lot better but a lot worse at the same time.

Midoriya and I walked away from each other but when I turned around I saw Shinsou next to him. Shinsou said something but before Midoriya could reply a dude with a wait stopped him.

It was one of the guys that withdrawed from the compitition. Maybe he figured out how Shinsou's quirk works.


resent Mic announced that we would take a break for side games. Right now would be a good time to relax and figure out how to beat this Mina Ashido girl.


It was Midoriya's match against Shinsou now and I was getting really nervous. Midoriya seems really nice and he's part of the reason I'm still here but I've been friends with Shinsou for so long. I've trained with Shinsou since the beginning of the year...

Shinsou started to talk to Midoriya but I couldn't hear what he was saying and didn't bother to try and use my quirk. He's probably just trying to make him mad so he'll speak.

The match started and Midoriya said something and charged towards Shinsou but it didn't last long. Midoriya stopped in his tracks.

Midoriya started to slowly walk away from Shinsou towards the out of bounds area. Even though Midoriya is nice and I might end up friends with him, I'm really happy that Shinsou is winning!

Midoriya got really close to the edge when two of his fingers slightly moved and...broke? Just before he stepped out of bounds there was a huge gust of wind comming from Midoriya, probably from his quirk.

Midoriya's fingers were broken but he got out of Shinsou's control! Not even I can do that, and I've been training with him since the beginning of the year.

Midoriya ran towards Shinsou and started topush him out of bounds, when he got close Shinsou punched him across the face. Midoriya quickly recovered and flipped Shinsou over his shoulder and slammed him back on the ground.

"Shinsou is out of bounds, Midoriya advances to the next match!" Midnight declared. Knowing Shinsou, he won't take this lightly. He deserves to be in the hero course, it's not his fault the entrence exams were in the favor of people that had physical quirks.

Shinsou walked away from Midoriya and started to get compliments thrown at him by our class. "You did great Hitoshi!" I yelled to him to make sure he would hear me over everyone else.

Then it hit me...did I just use his first name?! Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit! A deep blush made it's way across my cheeks as I slumped in my chair. Shinsou definitely heard me cause he's cheeks got really red when I said it. Plus everyone else being so nice to him just made the reddness worse.

Now though I should probably avoid talking to Shinsou until he forgets that happened.

1000 words

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