Dad (Chapter 10)

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"Wake up we have school!" Mom ordered as she lightly shook me breaking me from the claws of sleep. "Five more minutes..." I grumbled as I rolled over and shoved my face into my pillow. "Fine you can go back to sleep and miss school but you'll eventually have to deal with Aizawa and i can tell Shinsou that you snore." she threatened.

I immediately shot up and got out of bed. "I'm up, I'm up. Also, I don't snore!" I yelled and threw one of my pillows at her which she caught and just chuckled. "I know that but Shinsou won't." she replied but before I could throw anything else at her she left the room.

One thing I hate about school is the uniforms like the difference between the way someone looks when their wearing the uniform and when their wearing normal clothes is astronomical. I put on my uniform and threw anything I needed in my bag.

Time skip to after school because no one wants to read about how to get ready for school because I'm sure most of you are already painfully aware

I was walking to the gym at the school that we always train at and I saw Shinsou a little ways ahead of me. "Hey Shinsou!" I greeted as I caught up to him. "Oh, hey Shigaraki. Did you sleep last night?" he asked glancing over at me. "Uh, yeah I did but what about you? Your eye bags are worse than usual." I stated worriedly but Shinsou just chuckled in return.

"Gee thanks." he said sarcastically as he jokingly rolled his eyes. We both arrived at the gym and exchanged glances before walking in. "Hey Aizawa." I said dreading having practice today but I know it will help me in the longrun which is the only reason why I put up with it. "Run ten laps around the gym then were gonna focus on fighting people other that just each other." he orded so Shinsou and I both quickly went to the dressing rooms, got changed and came back out.

I got out right before him and immediately started my laps not bothering to wait for Shinsou since he would probably catch up with me anyway. Just like I thought Shinsou came out of the changing room and caught up with me. "So how did you get my number?" I asked breaking the silence. "As I said last night, that's for me to know. Besides, you might need mine number one day, who knows?" he shrugged and we contimued running until our ten laps were over. "Okay guys so I asked another teacher to help us with this since there are two of you. Shinsou, you will fight with me. Shigaraki, you will fight Midnight." he told us causing my eyes to go wide.

"Wha- da- Aizawa really?" Shinsou tried to prostest but something else had caught my eye. "Wait did you just call him dad?!" I question slightly intrigued with this new information. Mom walked in the gym and Aizawa had a smile on his face. Wait hold up, AIZAWA HAD A SMILE ON HIS FACE?!
Aizawa doesn't look like the kind of perosn that is capable of smiling, it looks so...weird.

"You call Midnight mom!" Shinsou retorted causing mom to laugh. "That's cause she is like a mom to me. She let me move in with her and she looks after me and takes care on me. I never had a mom growing up so I don't know if that's what other mom's are like but I don't really care." I explained which clearly caught Shinsou off guard. "Fair enough." Shinsou mumbled but there was a hint of pity in his eyes and understanding but I just shrugged it off.

Shinsou and Aizawa got in their fighting stance so I backed off and walked over to Mom. As soon as I reached her she engulfed me in a tight bear hug. "I Mom why are you hugging me?" I asked as I stood there like a bored not reacting. I haven't really hugged people before. Shinsou hugged me after the panic attack. Toga hugged me sometimes but that was rare and it was usually just a distraction cause she wanted some of my blood.

Mom just sighed and released me from the hug and backed up from me getting in her fighting stance. "Are we using quirks?" I asked as I also got in a fighting stance. "With quirks, I want to see your second quirk in action!" she replied enthusiastically and lunged towards me which I barely ended up dodging her punch.

I activated my second quirk to enhance my speed. My phyiscal strength is too awefully bad and plus my mom seems to kinda be on offense right now so it was proably the best option. Using my speed I quickly ran out of my mom's line of view which confused her for a second which gave me enough time to throw a punch to her stomach.

I didn't have enough time for it to be a very strong punch but it did make her stumble back a bit. Before I could even attempt to land another attack on her
again she ripped part of her sleeve and a weird fog started to come off of her body. It was a huge mistake to never learn what my mom's quirk is. It's better to be safe then sorry so I tore off the bottom half of my shirt and wrapped it around my mouth and tied it at the back of the head.

The makeshift mask probably won't last me long but it should definitely spare me some time but it's going to get worse and worse the more fog that comes off her body. The fog hasn't actually affected me in anyway yet which is kinda odd but I decided not to question it. My seven minutes for my quirk should be up soon which is not good.

I ran towards my mom at full speed and acted like I was going to kick her but my actual objective was to trip her like I did with Shinsou that one day. When I tried to kick under her feet to make her fall she had already seen it coming and avoided. This caught me off guard which she took to her advantage and landed a powerful punch to my stomach. I groaned in pain but dealt with it and continued fighting.

By now my seven minutes were long gone and I still have to wait two minutes before I can use that quirk again and even if I do I'm not well trained with that quirk and could pass out from over using it. By now my mom's fog had started to affect me and I felt slightly dizzy like I was about to pass out but tried to show no signs of my weakening state. Before either of us could land any other attacks I passed out.

1174 words
also i suck at writing fighting scenes so if you want me to try and skip them from now on I will cause I think that kinda sucked.

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