Bakusquad Beach Day (Chapter 19)

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Today was the day that we were all going to the beach. Or as Kaminari and Eijiro call it 'The Bakusquad Beach Day' Bakugou hit them both for calling it that but it was funny.

I put on the bathing suit that I got the other day when I was with Mina and put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt over it along with a pair of flips flops.

My phone dinged and when I walked over to it I saw a text from Mina saying that said that she and everyone else was at my house. I grabbed my phone and left a note on the table for when Mom wakes up.

When I walked out of the house there was a car there and Mina was sticking her head out the window waving. I opened the car door at got in. (Pretend Bakugou can drive. The car has three rows)

Bakugou was driving and Eijiro was in the passenger seat. Sero and and Kaminari were in the middle seats. Mina and I were all the way in the back.

Bakugou was trying to take the phone away from Eijiro as he kept his eyes on the rode. "Shitty hair you are not playing your shitty music!" Bakugou yelled making Mina and I burst out into laughter as Eijiro sweat dropped.

Eijiro threw the phone back to Kaminari so that Bakugou wouldn't be able to get it. "DUNCE FACE!" Bakugou shouted. Kaminari started to play Electric Love. 'Wow his taste in music isn't as bad as I thought it would be.'

"Kaminari this song is actually good!" I exclaimed. "Of course it is! Also you can call me Denki." he boasted with a flirty smirk on his face.

The entire way to the beach Denki and Sero went back and forth playing music on Bakugou's phone. Eventually Bakugou gave up yelling at them.

We all got out of the vehicle and walked down to the water. Denki and Eijiro were carrying three towels each, six in total. The boys set down all the towels on the hot sand.

Eijiro laid down on the red one, Bakugou laid down on the orange one, Sero laid down on the black and white tripped one. Mina had dragged Denki down to the water and I laid down on the F/C towel.

From the area were the laying down we could hear Mina and Denki laughing. The beach wasn't too crowded which was nice since big crowds make me anxious.
"Come on lets go get lunch!" Mina cheered as she dragged you and Eijiro back to the car. Denki was doing the same thing to Bakugou and Sero. Well, mainly Sero. Bakugou fired small explosions at Denki so Denki just left him alone.

We all walked back to the car and got in the same seats as before. "Where are we gonna eat?" Eijiro questioned looking around at everyone. Suggestions started to get thrown out but it didn't matter to me where we ate.

We all agreed on a place and Bakugou drove there. The car ride was very loud since Bakugou is kinda a angry driver. "Why does he get to drive if he makes so much noise when doing it?" I asked Mina in a hushed tone hoping Bakugou wouldn't hear.

"He wouldn't let anyone else drive." Mina answered with a small chuckle at the end. "I can hear you Racoon Eyes and Mind Freak!" Bakugou screamed at us though he kept his eyes on the road.

"Well looks like I finally got my nickname." I sighed. "At least it isn't based on your appearence." Mina commented. "Whenever he calls you Racoon Eyes you can just call him angry pomeranian. It has to do with his personality and appearence." I advized.

"Yo angry pomeranian. Are you holding Kirishima's hand?!" Mina beamed as she leaned forward trying to get a better look.

"The fuck did you just call me, Racoon Eyes!?" he yelled. "Your avoiding the question~" Mina sang with a smile on her face. Bakugou quickly pulled his hand away from Eijiro's and grunted in annoyance.

We arrived at the resturant and we sat down at a booth. Mina was on my right and Denki was on my left. Sero was across from Mina, Eijiro was across from me, and Bakugou was across from Denki.

Bakugou refused to sit anywhere other than on the outside. Originally I wanted to sit on the outside but if Bakugou is then I would end up across from him and I don't want him yelling in my face.

We all ordered our food and waited for it to come. Bakugou was getting very impatiant and was cursing under his breath. Mina and Denki were laughing as they showed each other memes. Since I was inbetween them it was a bit weird for me but I tried to ignore it.

The food eventually came and we started to eat it in silence.

830 words
I know it's short but it took me a few hours

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