TW: Panic Attack (Chapter 6)

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Recovery girl nodded and walked away. Not even a minute later Midnight came running into the nurses office.

"What's wrong? Are you ok? What happened?" Midnight asked frantically as she caught her breath, she ran all the way here. "Nothing happened. I'm fine, don't worry." I said reasuring her.

"Nothing happened?! Nothing happened?! Shigaraki you had a panic attack." Shinsou said sternly. I tried to sit up but Shinsou pushed me back down. I turned my head refusing to look at him.

"I'm fine." I said again. I couldn't see Shinsou but I had a feeling he rolled his eyes. "What was your nightmare even about?" he asked, his voice slightly raised. I didn't respond but I heard him scoff.

"What happened?" he asked again his voice raising more and more. "What do you mean?" I asked pretending to be oblivious. "You know what I mean, now answer the question!" Shinsou pretty much yelled.

I flinched, "What question?" I asked. I know I was getting on his nerves but I really don't want to talk about this.

"Whatever it's not like I care." he said coldly as he left to go back to class. I let out a sigh and sat up. "What happened? And what's up with Shinsou?" Midnight asked.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine." I answered, avoiding eye contact. She hummed, "What's up with Shinsou?" she asked again. I opened my mouth to speak but no words were coming out.

I felt tears prick in my eyes as visions of him using his quirk on me and him ignoring me started to play through my head. Tears started to run down my warm rosey cheeks as my hands started to shake.

It started to become diffcult to breathe.

Midnight's POV

"What's up with Shinsou?" I asked again. Her mouth was slightly open but she wasn't saying anything. Y/N's hands started to shake and wears ran down her cheeks. Her breathing became uneven and I felt my mom instinct's kick in.

"RECOVERY GIRL GET OVER HERE! Y/N IS HAVING ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK!" I yelled and Recovery Girl quickly came over. "What do we do?" I asked frantically.

Rrcovery Girl sighed and said "Sorry there isn't much we can do but wait till it's over. You can try to calm her breathing but it might not work." she informed me and then walked away again.

I felt anger rise in me. Is there really nothing we can do?! I turned my attention back to Y/N and put my hands on each side of her face. "Hey, it's okay, breathe." I whispered trying to comfert her but it wasn't working.

I took my hands away from her face. My daughter is having a panic attack and there is nothing I can do. I felt helpless and weak till and idesa popped into my head.

I quickly ran over to the phone on the wall and dialed a number. After two rings the teacher finally answered. "Yes?" he asked. "Send Hitoshi Shinsou down to Recovery Girl's office immediately." I demanded. The male hummed and hung up.

I put the phone back and turned my attention back to Y/N. Her knees were now pulled up to her chest and she looked even worse then before. Seeing her like this, it makes me feel like a horrible parent.

I don't care if I haven't known her that long. I don't care that I didn't raise her. I still love her as if she were my acual child. I've always wanted a kid.

Shinsou ran into the room interupting my thoughts. He looked concerned but also confused. Shinsou looked at me then his eyes shifted to Y/N.
"Did she fall asleep again and have another nightmare?" He asked out of breath.

"No, this happened shortly after you left." I informed him.

Shinsou's POV

"Whatever it's not like I care." I said coldly as I left the room. I didn't mean it, I didn't mean it at all. I care more about her then I have anybody else. I care
way more than I will ever admit.

I feel really bad for using my quirk on her and pushing her away, but I can't help it. I'm scared if I get close to someone I'll get hurt.
I walked through the hallways till I reached the classroom.

I hesitated for a moment before opening the door. When I waked in all eyes were immedately on me.
I stayed silent and walked to my desk in the back on the room.

The teacher kept talking and talking but I wasn't listening till he said my name.

"Shinsou, you are needed in Recovery Girl's office." he informed me then went back to blabing. I quickly got up from my desk and left the classroom.
The second that the door closed I ran down the hallways not looking back till I reached Recovery Girl's office.

I ran in and looked at Midnight then I saw Shigaraki sitting on the bed with her legs pulled to her chest and tears rolling down her face. Her hands were shaking and her breathing was uneven.

"Did she fall alseep again and have another nightmare?" I asked as I tried to catch my breath. "No, this happened shortly after you left." Midnight answered.

So that means, this is my fault. I'm the reason this is happening. I felt like I had just been stabbed through the heart. I rushed over to Shigaraki. I pulled her knees away from her chest cause that's probably not making it any eaiser to breathe.

I whiped the tears off of her cheeks and pulled her into a hug. "Breathe. ok?" I said and she started to breath normally again. "Shinsou?"

967 words
A/N; Yes another panic attack we love that. It's been like a week since I've updated, sorry. Also if you read my other books thank you and I will be updating those soon. If you haven't read my other books please check them out. I have a Dabi x Reader and a Denki x Reader. I also have 2 books on hold cause 5 books at a time is kinda stressful. I also am working on other books from other animes but idk when they will be posted.

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