Obstacle Course(Chapter 11)

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Mr. Aizawa has been a lot harder on Shinsou and I since the Sports Festival is nearing. Shinsou is anxious about it not that he would ever tell me that but I can tell. Right now my general studies class is walking through the hallways to the area that were having the Sports Festival.

If we do good enough the school might transfer us to the hero course. Plus now I have two quirks. I ams till a little nervous since the only people I've ever fought with is, Shinsou, Aizawa, Mom, and Toga from when I was back with the league and I trained with her.

Shinsou seems way more serious than usual, it's weird. We arrived at the arena along with all the other classes. There were a lot of people in the crowd which made me more nervous then I already was. Present Mic started talking when we walked in but I wasn't paying much attention.

"Now the interductory speach!" My mom boomed making everyone look at her. Almost every boy there was blushing which is just weird to me cause like ya she's gorgeous but she like a mom to me. A bunch of kids, mainly boys, started whispering to their friends.

"Silence everyone!" Mom ordered causing her to gain everyone's attention once again. "And for the student pledge we have, Katsuki Bakugou!" she announced and everyone immediately had their eyes on him as he walked up on the stage thing. "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." Bakugou said into the microphone with his hands shoved into his pockets and an emotionless face.

A bunch of kids started to yell at him for saying such a thing and his entire class looked like they hated him in that moment. I can't blame class 1A for that, they're gonna get even more hate now cause everyone's going to asume that they're just like Bakugou. Some kid from class 1A started yelling at Bakugou as he waved his arms like a malfunctioning robot.

More and more people started to yell at him and say they would beat him which kinda annoyed me. Even if Bakugou is a cocky jerk, he's still very strong and not easily beaten. "Without further ado, it's time for us to get started!" my mom hollered which made everyone quiet down again. "This is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival! What could it be?!" she piped as a screen started rolling threw a bunch of different things we might end up doing.

It landed on 'Obstacle Race'. "All 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest. The track if four kilometers around the outside of the stadium. I don't wanna restrain anyone, at least in this game. As long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires. Now then, take your places, contestants. " My mom informed us all and I cringed when she made the innapropreite refrence.

Everyone lined up at the beginning on the Obstacle Course and waited for the sign for us to go. The three lights above the doorway started to blick and once the last one did my mother yelled "Begin!" and everyone took off running. There was a lot of people so it was really crowded and people kept shoving me which really ticked me off.

There weren't many people I was worried about during this but the main people were Bakugou, Todoroki, and Midoriya. I focused my mind reading quirk on just those three. Before Todoroki could freeze the floor and everyones feet to it I ran as fast as I could though I didn't use my inhance quirk, I was saving that for later.

Since I was now running side by side with Todoroki my feet didn't get frozen to the ground like everyone else's though Todoroki didn't seem to pay too much attention to me. There were other who had quirks that would get them past the ice but most people were complaining to Todoroki fo freezing their feet.

Bakugou seemed to be very mad with Todoroki and he launched himself in the air with his explosions as he yelled at Todoroki who was mainly unbothered by this. I looked behind me and not too far back, Shinsou was being carried by a few students who I presume were under the control of his quirk. "I didn't expect so many people to dodge that..." Todoroki mumbled under his breath.

"Try not to underestimate others." I said to him not in a rude way like others would but more using a tone as if I was giving him advice. Behind us there was a small man with ugly purple balls on his ugly head in the air. He was yelling something towards Todoroki but I didn't care. As the ugly grape juice boi was about to grab a ball off his head something hit him and he rolled away now most likely out of commision.

There were a bunch of robots, the same ones from the entrence exams. "They obvoiusly went through a lot of trouble, but I wish they'd prepare something a little more difficult." I heard Todoroki say to him self as he started to freeze the ground. I quickly read his mind and noticed that the robots were off balance so I ran as fast as I could since by the time the get close to me they'll already be frozen. By the time they unfreeze I should be past them.

The kids started to get excited that the robots were frozen. "Careful now, I froze them while they were off balance. On purpose." he said as the robots started to move again. Since I haven't used any sort of physical quirk yet it was diffcult for me to keep up but I wasn't too far behind Todoroki.

"That's Todoroki from class 1A pulling ahead to an early lead with a devastating display! Not too far behind him a General Studies student?! Y/N Shigaraki is close on his tail currently in second place!" Present Mic announced into the microphone.

"He'd never even fought those Robo Infernos before, but they didn't stand a chance against his chart-topping moves!" Present Mic kept narrating what was going on and to be honest, it was kinda annoying.

1056 words

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