Cavalry Battle (Chapter 13)

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Midoriya was the person on top while Tokoyami was infront and Uraraka and I were in the back. Uraraka was the left wing and I was the right wing. Midoriya had the headband tied around his forehead.

Present Mic started to count down. "Three....Two.....One..." he counted. "Begin!" My mom shouted and everyone started to run. Everyone came right for us. Midoriya chose to run away from everyone. We started to sink down which confused us, then we realized someone's quirk was making that happen.

Some guy from class 1B I think did it. Uraraka made us all float and we got out of there. We continued to float throught the air as Tokoyami had Dark Shadow watch our blind spots. Uraraka dropped us and right before we hit the groud again she made us float then let us down to avoid impact.

A bunch of teams started running at us once again. One guy had a bunch of arms and he was running towards us. A bunch of purple balls started to fly out of the area inbetween his arms. Midoriya questioned if that was even allowed and my Mom responded saying that the judges approved.

The short kid I saw earlier peaked out and so did a girl who had a long tounge. My guess is that she has come type of animal or frog quirk. Uraraka made us float again and we floated away from the other teams. I saw Shinsou down there and my heart felt warm but I yelled at myself to stay on task.

Suddenly Bakugou used his explosions to prepell himself into the air and move towards us. Tokoyami used Dark Shadow to block Bakugou's explosion that was aimed towards us. Bakugou got taken back to his team by...tape?! When I looked over to their team I saw that a black haired kid had freaky elbows, probably has a quirk that makes tape come out of his elbows.

Uraraka put us back on the ground, I can't even imagine how hard it is to keep all four of us in the air. Midoriya decided that we would stay on the ground. The crowd started to cheer and Present Mic suggested that like look at the currnent scores since were already seven minutes in.

Surprisingly the 1A teams were doing horribly, even Bakugou's team. Class 1B really has been underestimated...well not by me but still. Present Mic announced that we were half way through the Cavalry Battle and a very good looking kid with a stotic expersstion's team showed up right behind us.

Todoroki said he would be taking our headband. All the teams started running at us and I noticed that Todoroki's team had some sort of blanket thing on them. They were definitely planning something. The left eing on their team had blonde yellowish hair with a black lightning bolt through it.

The yellow haired kid used his quirk and a bunch of electricity hit every team other than theirs. Dark Shadow got infront of us and took most of the hit. Todoroki froze all of the teams' feet to the ground.

Todoroki made a huge ice wall between his team and the rest of them not including my team. Uraraka was too warn out to make us float again so I got an idea. I used my quirk and increaed my speed to try and get away from Todoroki's team. Dark Shadow was still placed infront of us on defense.

Todoroki made the ice wall to big for us to go any further or else we'd be out of bounds if we moved further back. Todoroki's team and my team satrted to slowly circle each other. We kept our distance and Midoriya told us to keep to his left side.

The guy that was in the front for their team with the engines of the back of his legs started to talk about how he was going to o something that would make him useless to them. Before he could do anything I read his mind. 

Apparently he had some special move that no one knew about that was like a special speed boost but he would be useless afterwards. "Uh, guys. He has a weird special move that will make him super fast but he won't be useful to Todoroki afterwards." I warned them and Midoriya nodded his head in response.

Iida yelled something and moved faster than I thought he would. It even took his team by surprise. Before I could even process what was happening, Todoroki's team was behind us and Todoroki was holding our headband.

Midoriya said that we couldn't go after other teams and we had to go after Todoroki so we complied and ran towards them. Todoroki used his fire which came as a surprise adn Midoriya used his quirk and swiped through his fire.

With Todoroki was distracted Midoriya grabbed the top headband because they put the one we needed on last. What Midoriya didn't realize is that they aren't that dumb and there was no way to see which band was which cause they turned them around. Even if you can't see them, it's obvious that they wouldn't put the one we need on top. That'd just be stupid.

We ran away from them a bit and Midoriya started to celebrate thinking he got the head band we needed. "Um, Midoriya. You don't have the one we need." I said cautiously. Midoriya looked at the one that was in his hand and realized I was right. Present Mic announced that there were only 11 seconds left and I started to freak out.

"We mixed the headbands up, there's no way we'd leave the prize on top. You underestimate us." A girl from the other team hollered at us. SHe had long black hair that was tied up in a pony tail and for some reason her shirt wasn't zipped up. My guess is it has to do something with her quirk.

Present Mic started the countdown for the last ten second of the came and Midoriya yelled, 'Tokoyami!' at the same time Todoroki yelled 'Kaminari!'

'Kaminari' used his quirk again but afterwards he looked really weird and kinda brain fried. Bakugou exploded the ice wall and prepelled him self towards us as he screamed, "Deku!"

Bakugou realized that Todoroki had the point and started to head towards him when Present Mic yelled "TIMES UP!"
This made Midoriya and I both deflate. I really wanted to do good enough to get moved to the hero course.

There's no way that's gonna happen since I didn't even get to show off my quirk, like at all! All the hours Aizawa spent training me went to waste. I'm such a failure!

Team Todoroki came in first place, no shock there! Team Bakugou came in second. And in third place was... SHINSOU'S TEAM! How did I not notice that he was doing so good?!

Midoriya started to apoligize to us for being a failure. I was too sad to pay attention but I stood beside Midoriya. Uraraka looked happy? This really confused me. Uraraka pointed to Tokoyami so I looked over to him. "I must apoligize. When Todoroki was shaken by your first attack...I tried to grab the ten million point head band...but things didn't go as planned. Still, I got one." Tokoyami explained as Dark Shadow held up a head band that was worth 615 points.

Now Midoriya had tears in his eyes. "And if fourth place, team Midoriya!" Present Mic announced. I was so happy now! Though I could end up having to go against Shinsou in something which I really don't want to do.

1296 words

A/N: OKaY bUt liKe whY is SomEoNe'S HanD thErE?

A/N: OKaY bUt liKe whY is SomEoNe'S HanD thErE?

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