The Hero Course (Chapter 18)

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The next school day

Because of my preformance at the Sports Festival I ended up getting transfered to class 1A and the weird grape haired dude which I later learned was named Mineta got transfered out.

When I looked into the general studies classroom this morning Shinsou wasn't in there so I figured he was either late or he just skipped. Even if he was there I probably wouldn't have talked to him anyway.

Aizawa is just as stict in class as he was in training. Right now it was lunch time and I realized that I didn't have any friends other than Shinsou and he won't talk to me without being and asshole.

When I got my lunch from the school I was about to leave the lunchroom and eat on the roof when I heard someone call my name.

My first name to be spesific. When I turned around I saw Eijiro waving at me with a huge toothy smile on his face. "Hey Y/N come sit with us!" he shouted from the other side of the lunch room.

I was a little embaressed from his volume but I complied and walked over to his table. Sitting with him was Bakugou, Mina, Kaminari, and Sero...I think. During the Sports Festival I did a bad job at paying attention.

I took a seat next to Eijiro since I didn't really know anyone else. "So how do you like class 1A so far Y/N? It must be pretty different from general studies." he stated.

"Ya it is different but I'm already used to the training so it's not that bad. Plus I've known Aizawa just as long as you guys." I responded as I picked at my food.

They all gave me questioning glances so I explained further. "I've had to endure tuff training my entire life but I'm not gonna get into that right now. Aizawa has been training me and- someone else since the begining on the year."

"Cool! Also how are you on a first name basis with Kirishima? Are you to dating?!" Mina beamed. My face heated up slightly as I waved my hands infront of me in a dismissive mannor.

"No, we just friends!" Eijiro and I denied in unision. "Good cause I think Bakugou over here was getting a little jealous." she teased as she nudged Bakugou.

"I am not jealous racoon eyes!" he yelled in her face which didn't seem to bother her. "Sureeee." she said sarcastically, dragging out the 'e'.

"By the way Y/N, you did amazing at the sports festival!" Mina exclaimed. "Thanks but I could've done better. Plus no one even knew what my quirks were..." I replied with a small smile on my face from her comliment.

"Well Bakugou figured out that you can read minds. What's the other one?" she asked.

"Well it's kinda hard to explain. I used to think it was inhance. I can inhance my sight, hearing, speed strength etc. But I tried a theory that my dad had when I was younger and it worked."

"What was the theory?" Kaminari chimed in. "That I could also decrease those things and use it on other people." I answered.

"That's awesome!" Sero exclaimed. "So that's how you beat Tokoyami." observed Eijiro. "Yup!" I cheered. "So what are you guys doing this weekend?" Mina asked.

Everyone said 'nothing' which caused Mina to smile. "We should all go to the beach!" she suggested. "Heck ya!" Kaminari beamed. "Sure!" Sero added. "Good idea Mina!" Eijiro commented.

"Tch, fine." Bakugou grunted. "Sure but I don't have any bathing suits. Or any clothes other than my uniform and a few other outfits." I said.

"I'll take you shopping after school today with some of the other girls! Mina declared. "Okay, but I don't have any money." I continued. "Momo can help you out with that." she informed me.
School ended a little while ago and we were all going to meet up at the mall after we go home and change out of our uniforms.

Since my clothes are kinda limited, I threw on a pair of black jeans, and oversized F/C hoodie, and some combat boots. I arrived at the mall and saw Momo, Uraraka, Mina, and Jiro waiting there.

"Did you guys wait long?" I nervously asked. "Nope!" They all chimed in unision. We all started to walk around the mall and look for clothing and bathing suits. Some of us split up and I ended up with Mina.

"Oh my god, you should get this bikini!" Mina suggested holding up a purple bikini but it was a bit too revealing for my taste. "Um, no, it's a bit revealing. How about this one?" I asked holding up a two piece bathing suit that I liked more.

 How about this one?" I asked holding up a two piece bathing suit that I liked more

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"Ooo, that's cute. I'll get this one." she said holding up a pink and blue two piece suit that had ruffles on the top. We payed for the items and left to find another store.

"Let's go in here!" I ushered as I dragged Mina into Hot Topic (*cough* the best store ever*cough)

Mina was looking at plaid skirts and black crop tops and I looked at hoodies, funny shirts, MCR merch. Mina picked up the stuff she wanted and do did I.

As we were walking over to pay for the stuff I spotted two matching chokers and stopped in my tracks. Once Mina realized I stopped she did too and looked back at me.

Mina saw what I was looking at and grabbed it. "You get one I get one?!" she cheered/asked. I nodded and we walked over and paid for our items.

"I think it's time for us to meet back up with everyone else so we can go get dinner." Mina mentioned. I nodded and we walked to the area of the mall we were supposed to meet the others at.

The other girls were already there so we walked to a resturant and sat down at a booth and looked through our menus. A few tables away I saw Shinsou sitting there drinking coffee.

"Um, guys, I think I'm just gonna leave early." I stated as I rose from my seat. "Huh? Why? We haven't even eaten yet." protested Momo.

"Ya, but uh. my mom said I need to get home." I lied as I looked over at Shinsou. "Oh ya, I forgot that Midnight was your adoptive mom." pondered Jiro.

When I got up to leave Mina caught my wrist. I looked back at her with a questioning look. "You keep looking at Shinsou. Is something wrong?" She whispered to me so the others wouldn't hear.

"I'll tell you about it later. By the way I took your phone out of your pocket earlier and added me to your contacts." I informed her and smirked when I said the last part.

Mina looked shocked and slightly confused. "Where on earth did you learn to pick pocket people?!" she whisper shouted.

"Um. Long story short my biological father didn't exactly raise me to be heroic." I hinted not wanting to give her the full story. Mina nodded and I walked away so I could get as far away from Shinsou as possible.

1217 words

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