Katsuki Bakugou (Chapter 16)

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If something is underlined and it italics then it's someone's thoughts and your reading their mind.

When I fight Bakugou I need to use both of my quirks and have a plan. Bakugou probably doesn't stratagize, he probably just plans on blowing me up until I'm unconsious.

Reading his mind might help but I'm probably going to have to rely on my second quirk to avoid his blasts. I still haven't seen Shinsou since his match, not even in the seating area.

My match was in about five minutes since they had to fix the arena after the last fight. Bakugou is probably warming up right now.  This is the kind of moment where I need Shinsou to calm me down. He's my only friend.

Thinking of him as a friend felt weird, it hurt. Which doesn't even make any sense. I took out my phone and called him which went straight to voice mail.

Since my match was soon I opened the door to leave the room but ended up bumping into somone and landing on top of them. When I looked up I saw tuffs(is that even a word?) of lavender hair, it was Shinsou.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I quickly scrambled to get off of him. "Hey Shinsou where have you been? I haven't seen you in a while and you didn't pick up my call." I said as I extended my hand to help him up.

Shinsou ignored my extended hand and got up himself. "I was busy." he huffed with slight annoyance and anger laced in his voice. I was taken aback by his tone.

"Is something wrong?" I asked. "Just leave me alone." he grumbled."Shinsou..." I mumbled as I reached to touch him but he agressively shoved me away causing me to alomst land on the floor but I kept my balence.

Tears pricked in my eyes but I didn't want him to see me cry so I left without another word. Right after I left tears started to tream down my face. "Hey, are you okay?" someone asked worriedly.

When I looked up I saw a boy with red hair that defied gravity. "Oh, hey. Ya, I'm fine." I reasured him as I whiped my tears. "My names Eijiro Kirishima! Your Y/N Shigaraki, right?" Kirishima questioned.

"Uh ya." I mumbled. "I c\actually came looking for you about your next match but how about we talk about something else first...?" he suggested. I nodded my head in response.

" Do you want to talk about why you were crying...?" he asked cautiously as he walked over to me. Kirishima sat down on the floor against the wall.

I took a seat next to him. "I'm worried about my match with the angry pomeranian and my only friend is acting weird. And it hurts to call him my friend and I don't know why and he's being distant and he just shoved me and I don't know what to do..." I ranted as I brought my knees up to my chest and cried more.

"Well he probably has a reason for all that. Things will work themselves out soon. Can I uh..hug you?" he comforted. I nodded my head and he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug. Who is it by the way?" he asked still hugging me.

"Hitoshi Shinsou..." I said but it was barely audible. "Have you ever thought about possibly having feelings for him?" Kirishima questioned.

My cheeks got really warm, "What?! No! He's my best friend. Besides he doesn't come off like the type to fall in love with someone. And the person that raised me taught me to never care about anyone..." I explained as more tears fell from my eyes onto his shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. By the way if Bakugou insults you or anything don't take it personally, he's just like that. Also try not to piss him off in any way, unless it has to do with winning." he advized.

We parted from the hug and I whiped my tears. "Thanks Kirishima, this really helped. I think it's time for my match though." I said. "Your welcome, also you can call me Eijiro if you want." he replied.

"Ok Eijiro, you can call me Y/N."
"Good luck out there! I hope you get transfered to the hero course!" he called after me as I walked away and into the arena.

"Y/N Shigaraki vs Katsuki Bakugou! Let the match begin!" Midnight yelled and Bakugou immediately started firing off explosions but he kept his distance.


aybe Bakugou isn't as dumb as I thought, I think he's keeping his distance since he doesn't know what my quirk is. No matter what he does, it's not like he can avoid both of my quirks.

' What could her quirk even be?! She took down racoon eyes without using one, or at least that's what it looked like. She also took down that bird dude...but he was moving slowly. Maybe it's controling other people just like that purple haired Hind Fuck."

Tears dared to spill from my eyes when he thought about Shinsou but I didn't let them fall. "I'll give you a hint angry pomeranian, her name is Mina Ashido not racoon eyes and the bird dude is Tokoyami." I hinted.

A vain appeared on his forehead. It doesn't look like he enjoyed that nickname too much. "I told her not to piss him off!" I heard Kirishima sigh from his seat. I chuckled but Bakugou is deinately pissed now.

'If she can read minds then why didn't she mention anything about mind fuck?! Maybe she's just good at reading people? No, that's not it. She definately knows mind fuck, I saw her say something to him earlier. Maybe I could use that to my advantage...'

My eyes widened at the last part.

'Also that doesn't make sense how she would make the bird dude move in slow motion. Does this extra seriously have two quirks?!'

"Yes, I do."

"Get the fuck out of my head!"

"Hmm, no thanks pomeranian."

"DIE!" he yelled as he prepelled himself into the air with his explosions. When he said that a memory of my dad appeared in my mind.

Flashback (TW)

"If you can't even take down an everyday thug after I've trained you for years then how do you plan on joining the league and leading it one day!? Maybe you should just die."

End of flashback

"Your gonna lose just like that mind fuck!" Bakugou yelled as he fired his explosions at me. Tears were now falling down my warm red cheeks but there was too much smoke from explosions for anyone to see it.

Visions of Shinsou ignoring me and shoving me popped into my brain along with ones of my father beating me and 'training' me when I was little.

Spots of white started to flicker in my visions as tears streamed down my face and my breathing picked up. I kept inhaling all the smoke from the blasts as I tried to dodge them

"DIE, DIE, DIE!" Bakugou yelled as he fired more explosions at me. My vision was all blury but I couldn't tell if it was from my tears or all the smoke.

In attempt to end this fight before I lose despite my condition, I activated my quirk and increased my speed so I was now behind Bakugou.

There's too much smoke and noise from his blasts for him to realize right away. Bakugou wasn't in the air anymore and was now on the ground. "Oo, looks like Bakugou might get beaten. He doesn't realize." Present Mic cooed *smack* "You dumbass now he knows! What happened to you wanting her to win!?" Aizawa scolded and everyone could hear in and most people laughed.

I was about a foot away from Bakugou when he swiftly turned around and I got an explosion blasted right into my face. I got knocked back and my head hurt and there was warm sticky fluif flowing from it.

My entire body hurt and my eyes were getting heavier and heavier until they closed...

1373 words
HAHA cliffhanger
if it makes ya'll feel better, I have no idea what's gonna happen next either. Your welcome for the shitty angst and shitty fighting scenes.

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