Summer Training Camp (Chapter 20)

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Everyone thought the training camp was going to be fun but earlier Aizawa made us walk all the way to the training camp. Plua we had to fight!

Right now the teachers were explaining that we were gonna play a game. Class 1A against class 1B. 1B has to try and scare kids from class 1A who are in groups of two. There were a few kids that won't get to do it  because of their grades on the exams.

Shinsou is also here, in class 1B. The entire time Shinsou and I have completely ignored each other. Aizawa clearly noticed and wasn't happy about it, or that was just his normal face? I can't really tell.

Mina asked about it once but when I told her it was nothing she left it alone. Class 1B headed out into the forest waiting to scare us.

Tokoyami and Shoji went first then Todoroki and the angry pomerai- I mean Bakugou. Then Jiro and Hagakure, then Aoyama and I. To be honest I fell really bad for Momo, she got stuck with Mineta.

Finally Aoyama and I started to walk through the forest. Everytime someone form class 1B tried to scare us, Aoyama would scream and then cling to me and afterwards he would pretend like it didn't happen.

The further we got I noticed that there was a odd smell in the air, and fog started to appear. "Um, Aoyama, I don't think anyone in our class or in 1B has a quirk that has anything to do with fog." I mentioned not completely on alert.

"I wouldn't know. I only pay attention to my fabulous self." he boasted. I rolled my eyes knowing I wouldn't get anywhere with him. 

Mandalay used her quirk which is telepath to tell us that there was a villain attack and to get beck to the camp without ingaging in combat with the villains.

Aoyama and I started to walked through the fog. I teared off a piece of my shirt to put over my mouth as a make shift mask. Aoyama just used his hand, even if I asked him, he wouldn't tear his clothes for this.

As we kept walking we didn't pass any villains and we got past the fog area. If the fog isn't spreading out than it must be someones quirk...

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Mandalay used her quirk again to tell us that Aizawa has allowed us to use our quirks against the villians.

She also said that one of the villians objectives was too capture Kachaan or as everyone else calls him, Bakugou.

Since I'm friends with Bakugou I started to get really worried so I started to run. Aoyama followed me and we soon entered an area with fire. Blue fire to be exact. "Shit, Dabi!" I cursed under my breath. "Huh?" Aoyama questioned but I just waved him off.

We started to head voices so I dragged Aoyama behind a bush. Dabi and Twice were infront of me talking. It looked like there were about to leave and joing up with everyone else when Aoyama made a noise.

'Shit!' I thought as Dabi walked over to the bush we were behind. To save Aoyama I stood up so Dabi would think it was just me. "Hey Dabi." I greeted nervously. "Hey kid. Why were you hiding?" he asked as I stepped out from the area and walked over to him.

"I wanted to make sure it was one of the cool league member and not my dad or something." I answered nonchalantly as I shrugged. "Your dad didn't come. He's recovering from the last time we attacked UA." he informed me.

"Aw he didn't die?" I asked dissapointed. "Nope sorry kid. Anyway, how's school going?" he asked as we started walking through the forest with Twice trailing behind us.

"Pretty good. A pro hero adopted me actually. At first they put me in general studies but after the sports festival I got transfered to the hero course." I explained.

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