Villians (Chapter 21)

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This chapter does have scenes from the anime.

"Welcome home Y/N."

My father was sitting at the bar with a glass full of dark liquid in his hand. "Restrain them." he commanded. Bakugou and I were both tied to a chair and had quirk cancelation cuffs on.

"Hey Tomura." I greeted ignoring how confused and mad Bakugou was. "That is not how you should address me!" My dad yelled. "Hey dad." I corrected. "Now if you don't mind, my close friend and I would like to leave now."

"I am not your friend Mind Freak. And why the hell are you calling him dad!?" he shouted.

"Allow me to explain."

"Tomura Shigaraki is my dad. He and Kurogiri raised me to become a villian. When he said I couldn't be a hero I snuck out. After I left I slept on a bench until Midnight came and woke me up. After that she took me in and I got into UA."

"What the fuck..." Bakugou mumbled under his breath. "Exactly. Now, Bakugou will you join the league?" Shigaraki asked sternly. "Fuck you crusty." Bakugou spat.

"Y/N your going to come back to the league." he stated. "Um actually dad I kinda like UA." I countered. "Un-tie her." Tomura ordered and Dabi obliged.

"How about this daughter, you joing the league again with those amazing quirks of yours. Or I kill your friend." he threatened as he motioned over to Bakugou. "Or Dabi, or Toga. Anyone you care about." he continued.

"Fine!" I yelled in frusteration. "Good. Now go hnag out with Toga or something. I need to continue talking to your friend." Tomura said. "If you hurt him I will kill you." I warned. Toga pulled me to her room and we started hanging out like we used to.
We were all in the bar and there was a loud knock the door which startled everyone. "Hello? I got a pizza delivery here" Suddenly All Might crashed through the door and other heros started to show up too.

Shigaraki tried to get Kurogiri to warp us out but the hero were too quick. Kamui Woods used his Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison to imobilize the villains including me.

Dabi tried to burn the wood but a short old man in a hero suit jumped in and kicked him. "Don't do anything follish. It's in your best intrest to cooperate with us." the old man advized.

"Right after the press confrence? They had this ruse planned the whole time!" exclaimed Mr. Compress.

"Tree man your hugging me too tight!" "Harder!" Twice ushered.

"Ugh, you must've been scared. But you stayed strong. I'm sorry, your safe now young man." All Might apoligized.

"What?! I wasn't scared! Not even close!" Nakugou yelled in return.

"If you don't mind I'd like to be released from the tree man's branches." I complained.

"Oh yes. I almost forgot about you. You will have some explaining to do later." All Might informed me.

"Hey you said you'd join the league again!" Tomura yelled.

"The heros are here now so you can't till Bakugou. You're too gay for Dabi to kill him and Toga will go stabby stabby if she needs to. Sorry dad." I fake apoligized.

Kamui Woods released me and only me from his Pre-emptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison.

'After I went through all the trouble of preparing this, the final boss goes and shows up on my door step. Everyones been restrained. There's no easy way to escape. It can't be helped. So they've got back up, huh? Well we do to!' My dad thought unaware that I had been reading his mind.

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