TW: Panic Attack, Abuse(Chapter 5)

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Once I got inside I was released from his control and able to move my own body now. Instead of going back I figured it would be better to just go to class a little early and figure this whole Shinsou thing our later.


When I got to my next class as expected nobody was there so I decided to take a quick nap. I rested my head on the uncomfterable desk and allowed my heavy lids to shut.


"No no I'm sorry please don't hit me please please," I became desperate pleading my father not to hit me. He picked me up by the collar of my shirt. I was 7 years old and my father had insisted that I started training at a young age, and he did not hold back. I had scratches all over my body and I could feel blood running down my arms and legs.

"If you won't fight and train then looks like you'll have to be punished." he growled, He looked at me with pure hatred as he dragged me out of the training area to the basment. He threw me down the stairs and slammed the door behind me locking it. I rolled down the stairs until my head hit the concrete wall. I felt hot sticky blood on the back of my head.

I sighed and crawled over to the far corner of the basment to the blanket. Last time I was down here I froze there whole time so afterwards I snuck a blacket down here for the future. Sometimes he puts me down here for a few days and sometimes I down here for 2 weeks. It depends on Kurogiri to be honest. I never really understood how he was a villian.

He's by far the nicest person I have ever met, then again everyone I know is a villian. Whenever I'm down here I usually don't get water. Sometimes Kurogiri sneaks me a bottle every few nights if he knows I'll be down here for a while.

I learned to stop depending on him though so I usually kept a bottle of water on me at all times. I pulled the blanket over me and curled up into a ball as I felt warm salty tears fall down my face. I've learned to hold in my emotions especially infront of my dad, if I cried infront of him he would most likely hit me. He thinks having emotions makes you weak.

From all the training today I was completly out of energy. I whiped my tears and closed my eyes.


I was being shaken awake by none other than Shinsou. He had a worried looked in his eyes, I could feel the tear stains of my cheeks. Memories of my nighmare flooded into my mind. My eyes watered and tears bagan to fall. I could fell my hands shaking and breathing became more and more difficult. I really didn;t want this to happen, not infront of the class, infront of Shinsou.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and hoped all of this would stop. All the beating and abuse from my father always haunted me but right now images kept flashign through my mind. Ones of his terrifyingly angry face, ones of all the blood and scraches on my body. I began to forget where I was and just relive the past. That was until Shinsou shook me until our eyes met.

He pulled me into a tight hug and he ran his fingers through my hair. After a little while my hands stoppped shaking and my breathing evened. I whiped any remaining tears from my face. Shinsou picked me bridal style and carried me out of the room. As we left I could hear the whispers of students saying things like 'she was just faking it'  or 'what an attention seeker' 'I can't believe he acually bought that'. I pushed all of that out of my mind and layed my head on his chest.

After a few minutes of silence I decided to break it "Where are we going?" I asked but he kept lookig forward. "Nurses office." he bluntly responded. I thought for a second then asked "Why?" he looked at me for a second as if I was dumb then answered. "You just had a panic attack you shouldn't have to worry about classes and you need rest. Besides, Midnight will probobly want to see you and make sure your okay."

Oh shoot he's right about the Midnight thing. Mom will defenitly be worried and ask a bunch of questions. He walked into the nurses office and set me down on one of the beds. Recovery girl walked over at us and gave us a questioning look. "Shigaraki had a panic attack in the classroom, I figured it would be best to bring her here. Also can you get Midnight here to see her?" he said.

Recovery girl nodded and walked away. Not even a minute later Midnight came running into the nurses office.

A/N: I don't know if that is acually what a panic attack is like but I tried. I'm sorry if this wasn't realistic. Also I apoligize for going so long without updating.

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