Mom (Chapter 4)

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"Come on, wake up. You have school in an hour." Nemuri said waking me up while she stood infront of my bed. I groaned and stumbled out of bed. I left my room and went down the hall to the bathroom.

I quickly changed into my school uniform and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. Once I got there Nemuri was already making me breakfast and coffee.

I sat down at the counter on one of the bar stools. "Hey Nemuri, I have a question." I stated as she brought me a cup of black coffee and a plate with an egg and 2 slices of bacon on it.

"And what would that be? Also you could call me mom...if you want." She said not making eye contact with me. My insides felt warm, I have never been this happy in my life.

I never really grew up with a mother figure so this definitely came as a surprise. "Really?! Also if you are a pro hero shouldn't you be rich? Why do you live in a apartment? I'm not complaining, just curious." I asked as I started to eat the eggs.

She looked at me and thought for a second "I don't know, I guess I'd just rather live in an apartment." She said shrugging as she sat down next to me with her own plate of food. I nodded and finished up my food.

I chugged down what was left of my coffee and set the dishes in the empty sink. I ran back to my room and grabbed my bag. I came back out and she was already ready to go.

I slipped my shoes on and she started laughing. "What's so funny mom?" I asked really confused. Her laughing came to a stop, "You never did your hair. It's a complete mess." She said and laughed even more when I ran to the bathroom to do my hair.

I quickly ran a brush through my bed head and went back into the kitchen. Nemuri and I walked out of the apartment and took the elevator down to the first floor. When I got down there I saw Shinsou walking out. "Hey Shinsou!"

I called after him but he just ignored me and kept walking. That's weird, maybe he didn't hear me. Nemuri and I walked to school behind Shinsou the entire time. Once we got into the huge building Nemuri and I had to part ways.

"Bye mom." I called after her as she walked away. I kept walking until I finally reached the classroom. I walked in and went to the back of the classroom and sat down like normal ignoring everyone.

Well, almost everyone, I tried to get Shinsou's attention but to no avail. "Come on, are you mad at me or something?! Did I do something wrong?!" I asked trying not to yell but didn't do a very good job.

Shinsou twitched but stayed silent, after about 5 minutes I gave up on trying to get him to talk to me. Maybe I was right, maybe he is mad about the LOV thing. I tried to brush it off but the entire day during all of my classes all I could think about was Shinsou.

When it finally hit lunch time I wasn't really hungry so I just headed up to the roof to clear my head. I walked out of the classroom and walked down the hallways headed towards the roof.

I opened the door to the roof and the cold air hit my face. It was nice up here. I was kinda afraid of heights but the view was nice and relaxing so I didn't really care. I walked over and sat down on the ledge. If I did fall it wouldn't really matter to me.

The only thing I would be worried about is mom. I thought about jumping, I really did but decided against it. I tried it a few years ago but Kurogiri used his stupid warp gate to prevent any injury.

I looked down and saw Shinsou leaned up against a tree sleeping, but it looked like something was wrong. I quickly hoped off the ledge onto the roof and ran threw the door racing downstairs.

I ran through the hallways as fast as possible trying not to bump into anyone. I ran out the main door of the building towards where I saw Shinsou. He was leaned up against a tree sleeping but he looked like he was having a nightmare.

Sweat dripped down his face and he was shaking. I walked over to him till I was right next to him. I sat down and rested my head on his shoulder. I was raised by a villan so I wasn't the best at comforting people but I used to calm my dad down whenever he had tantrums.

I wrapped my arms around Shinsou, he twas tense after first but calmed down after a second. His nightmare seemed to have gone away but I stayed in that position, that was until I heard him. "Shigaraki? What are you doing here?"

He asked curious but you could tell he was still tired. I froze in my spot not knowing how to react. I had planned of leaving before he woke up, god this is so weird. How on earth am I supposed to explain this?!

I removed my arms from around him and picked my head up. "S-sorry I-" before I could finish my sentence I was in a trance again unable to control my body. Shinsou was using his quirk, but why? I could find out on my own by using my quirk but I can't use it if I'm under his control.

"Walk away and leave me all from now on." He ordered. It sounded like he had a hint of pain in his voice but I probably just imagined it. My legs started moving on their own back towards the building.

Once I got inside I was released from his control and able to move my own body now. Instead of going back I figured it would be better to just go to class a little early and figure this whole Shinsou thing our later.

1046 words
A/N: Sorry for the angst but there will probably be more coming.  all chapters will probably be posted at night. Byeeeeeee

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