Mina Ashido (Chapter 15)

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he next match was Todoroki against some guy with weird elbows named Sero. Sero tapped Todoroki up and swung him around a bit but then there was ice everywhere!

The ice was legit out of the ring and Sero was completely frozen in place. "Sero has been immobilized, Todoroki advances to the next round!" Midnight/Mom exclaimed.

Looks like someone pissed Todoroki off before the match cause that Sero guy isn't that strong at that move was really overboard.


"Moving onto the 5th match we have Mina Ashido from class 1A and Y/N Shigaraki from General Studies. Personally I'm rooting for Shigaraki!" Present Mic announced as anxiety flowed through me.

"Fifth match...begin!" Present Micc announced. Mina and I started to circle each other to see who was going to make the first move. For this match I want to stick to my Mind Reading quirk then use my Inhance quirk later on.

If no one notices me using a quirk and I beat a class 1A student that will definately help me get transfered to the hero course. The only people that I would use my second quirk on is Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and maybe a few others of if I'm in a postition where I need to.

My guess is that with her quirk she's better at close range attacks and so am I which isn't too helpful. Mina was using her acid almost like skates as she ran towards me.

When she got close she fired some acid at me which I dodged. If I read someones mind for too long I get bad headaches so lets just hurry up with this match.

I ran towards Mina and kicked under her feet causing her to fall. My guess is that she relies on her quirk and doesn't train enough in hand to hand combat which is what I focus on. My entire life I've been trained to fight by my father.

Since my father is a villian, I fight like one sometimes. That reminds me, I really hope he isn't watching me right now. I got too lost in my thoughts and Mina kicked under my feet making me fall to the ground next to her.

I quickly got up but she did to.

Maybe I can chop the back of her neck if I get the chance...it might work. My dad taught me that and had me practice on other people at a young age.

I landed a punch to her stomach just as she was about to use her quirk. When she was hunched over and clutching her stomach I got behind her and chopped her neck, knocking her out.

"Mina Ashido has been immobilized. My daughter Y/N Shigaraki advances!" Mom boomed. The entire crowd was very shocked when she said that.

"Hold up, Midnight had a kid?!" Present Mic questioned into his Mic. "Not by blood, I took her in. Not that-that matters, she's still my daughter." Midnight explained as my cheeks flushed red from embaressment.

Mina was picked up and taken away since she was unconsious and I walked back to the area where the rest of my class was.

"Woah, that was amazing!"

"I can't beleive that Midnight is your mom!"

"Did you even use your quirk?!"

A bunch of compliments and questions were thrown at me but I did my best to ignore them all.


My match with Tokoyami was about two start and I'm really nervous. Fighting Mina was one thing but with his quirk it will be like fighting two people.

Since we did the cavlery battle together I know what his quirk is and his weakness but my quirk doesn't have anything to do with light so I can't use that information to my advantage.

Then an idea came to my mind. When I was younger my father had a theory about my second quirk. He thought that if I trained with my Inhance quirk enough I could learn to also make things go down and use it on others.

Like make their hearing worse or making them slower instead on inhancing those things. A doctor didn't name my quirk or anything since I was raised by villains so there could be more to my quirk that I haven't discovered yet.

Relying on something that might not even be possible isn't a good idea though. But if I try and it works even for a second, that might help me win.

I walked out into the arena as I tried to mentally and physically prepare myself.

"Tokoyami Fumikage from class 1A and Y/N Shigaraki from general studies! Let the match...begin!" Present Mic hollered. Tokoyami/Dark Shadow and I started to circle each other but I stopping moving when the sun was to my back.

If the sun is infront of him and in his eyes it gives me a clear advantage. Dark Shadow let out a little whine. Dark Shadow reminds me of a weak kid when he's around a lot of light.

I started to move back in forth in place and try to slow myself down with my quirk instead of speeding up....it worked! Tokoyami and the crowd looked very confused but that doesn't bother me.

I used my inhance quirk to make me faster and charged towards Tokoyami. When I got close to him I stopped using my quirk on myself and instead used it to slow him down.

I went to punch him and he tried to dodge but he moved in slow motion thanks to my quirk which caused the punch to land square in the face.

In the corner of my eye I saw Dark Shadoe behind me moving in slow motion.

Before he could reach me I moved around Tokoyami and chopped his neck. At the same time that I chopped his neck Dark Shadow landed a blow to my stomach resulting me to fall to the ground clutching my stomach.

Now Tokoyami was down meaning I win but that still hurt. "Tokoyami is down. Y/N Shigaraki wins!" Midnight announced with a huge smile on her face.

Tokoyami was picked up and taken away and Dark Shadow wasn't here since his quirk won't work if he's unconcious.

These rounds have been easy but now I have to go against Bakugou, and he won't hold back even though I'm a girl. That's my favorite thing about him. Sure, Bakugou may be an confident asshole but atleast he's not sexist.

Or maybe he's just a show off, it doesn't matter. I walked away from the fighting area and went to figure out how to beat Bakugou.

1112 words
Heh, we love when I update at 2am

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