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I woke up as usual in my bed i got up and went downstairs to get some breakfast that my dad made. My mom isn't usually around anymore she died in a car accident. It's been hard for my dad i could tell but we have to get threw this together. 

"Good Morning honey, why aren't you dressed?" He said as he was reading his newspaper drinking his coffee.

"why would i have to get dressed," i said confused 

"your going to hogwarts not come on go upstairs and go get change your going to miss the train," he said closing the newspaper and signaling me to go upstairs.

"i'm not going to that dumb wizarding school it's useless you and me both know i am not going to do any good over there," i said sitting down onto my chair and eating my eggs.

"jade go upstairs and get dress," he siad taking a sit of his coffee looking at me.



I walked up the stairs that creecked every step. I got my trunk put some clothes in it. Something slipped out of my pant pocket i was putting in the trunk. It was my mother's necklace. There was something in graved into it. Stars represent each person, one shines brighter than others, one is smaller than others. Was what was engraved into it.

Mom always would say that to me when we were out at night. i don't really get the meaning of what it is but i felt closer to her then usual when i held the necklace. I put the necklace on around my neck. I looked at my outfit.

My white tennis skirt above my knees. My crewneck with a collar. The crew has the word 'fuck' on it and my tennis skirt has a little dot on the side. I looked at myself and was like damn. i am hot as fuck who wouldn't want me.


I got to platform 9 3/4. Where everyone was saying goodbye to their parents. i was walking to the train when i bumped into someone's shoulder he was hovering over me and huge. I could smell apples and expensive cologne.

"Excuse you," i said making my was around him.

I finally got inside the train and there are carts and everyone is full. i kept walking to see if their was anymore and their was but there was a ginger haired girl. A blonde boy with a black suit. A brown-headed boy. The blonde boy looks like who i bumped into on my way here.

"Girl you can come sit with us if you want," the ginger headed girl said to me threw the glass door of the cart.

I opened up the cart. I swiftly sat next to the ginger haired girl.

"i have a name too it's not just girl," i said looking at her.

"Well then what is your name," she said still looking at me.

I saw the blonde boy staring at me from the corner of my eye. It made me mad for some reason.

"what the fuck do you want and stop staring at me," i told him as i stared at him.

"feisty i like that," he said looking at me.

"i don't care what you like," i told him.

I found out the ginger haired girl's name her name is Ginny Weasley. She is in slytherin and has been coming to hogwarts since she was 11. The brown-headed boy's name is Jason Waterbridge. He is a slytherin and been coming here since he was 12.

The blonde boy's name is Draco malfoy. He is a slytherin and has been coming here since he was 11. He is major rich. I have heard about him while walking past some carts on my way looking for a open one. he is supposed to attract the ladies like quick i don't really think so.

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