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"Jay was that your dad?" i asked him as he looked at me nodding his head.

"That was you, he did those th-,"  he tried saying.

"Please don't say anything right now not here," i said looking at him.

Snape sent us to the hospital wing to get checked out but we didn't instead we went to the astronomy tower.  It was early in the morning so it was cold so jay gave me his sweater he had on.

I looked at him. "look i don't really open up to people at all but i was 8 when he did that to me and i couldn't stop it , and if that is your dad then that makes us related in some sort of way because that was my uncle." i said shaking terribly and with a shaky vice.

"jade i am so sorry he did that i never knew he did that i am sorry please forgive me," he said crying and shaking too.

"Jay it's not your fault i didn't even know you none of this is your fault do you hear me?" i told him hugging him.

"look i understand why you don't like physical touch anymore i get that and im sorry jade i really am," he said shaking.

I took his hand and put it on my check. "I'm getting a bit better with physical touch," i told him while his thumb felt my teary cheek.

We walked back to his dorm and i laid him down onto his bed and gave him a  kiss on the forehead. " We will talk about this later on i need you too rest for now jay," i told him closing the door.

As i closed the door i bumped into someone. It was draco. 

"Jade what happened? What happened? Are you ok?" he said looking down at me.

"Draco im fine if you don't mind i will be going to the black river to relieve some stress," i told him walking away.

He grabbed my arm. I yanked it back.

"Please don't touch me physical content isn't my thing," i told him

"can i come with you?" he asked me.

"to the black river?" i asked him

"Yes" he told me

"Yeah you can come i guess," i said.

We both walked back down to the river. It was gorgeous. The white full moon reflecting off of the water. The stars. I sat onto the grass and put my back to the grass and looked up the stars as beautiful and bright as the moon. Draco laid down next to me.

He pointed to the star called heritha. "That star is known to help other stars out whenever they are in trouble," he said looking at me now.

I pointed to a star called draco. "That star is actually your name it is proven that each month it gets brighter," i said looking at him now.

We stared at the stars for a few more minutes until he broke the silence. 

"Nice necklace who's is it?" he asked looking intensely into my neck.

" My moms she died in a car accident and left this for me," i told him holding the necklace in my hand now.

"What does it say," he asked politely looking at me.

"Stars represent each person, one shines brighter than others, one is smaller than others."

"my mom used to say that to me actually she was the only one who really payed attention to me in my family everyone else just doesnt love me," i said with a shaky voice.

"i am sorry about your mom but if it makes you feel any better my dad died," he said laughing at the part where he said his dad died.

i looked at him with a weird face.

"i hated him he was abusive and a dick its ok you can laugh," he said sending me a soft smile.

He had a really nice smile.

We just looked at the stars for hours talking to each other about everything. I honestly was happy for once i had such good friends who were by me threw everything. I only been here a few days and I never want to leave. It felt like Home. I felt safe.

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