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It's been a few weeks since the battle of Hogwarts and me and Draco are even better. We have decided to label our relationship. Jay and Ginny have became a thing.

Harry has still been distant after everything. I'm living with mom for a few more days and then I'm going back too Hogwarts. Tom- I mean Dad  has been a bit too nice to me.

I get that he is very sorry for everything but he dosent have too be so nice but I don't mind it that much.

Mattheo and I have been really close to each other talking about things we have done and we even have went to the muggle world and shopped.

He is super fun and sweet and he is my older brother well the oldest. First comes him then Harry then me. So I guess I'm the little sister.

I have tried to owl harry multiple times but he dosent respond. Hermione owls me a few times a week to tell me about harry.

Hermione and ron are a thing too she was really excited and happy she told me threw and owl.

"Dinner jade!" I heard mom say at my doorway.

I walked down the stairs and she made rice and some chicken. Mattheo was sitting next to me and kept poking my arm annoying me.

Honestly it felt nice having a older brother who annoys me since I was a only child my whole life.

"Will you quit it theo," I said kicking his leg under the table.

He countined poking me and j took his finger and twisted it breaking it.

"JADE!," mom said yelling at me.

"Oh he is fine mom it didn't even hurt him,"

It didn't really hurt him he dosent really feel pain he acts like he dies but he dosent.

He snapped it back into place. The door was being knocked on. I got up and got it.

I opened the door and Jay and Ginny and even Draco were here. They were all holding weed and wine.

"PARTY TIME,"Jay said

"Don't you guys remember what happened the last time I smoked weed and got high,"

"Yes it was very funny," Draco said.

They all came in and rushed too the stairs walking up them quickly.

"I am not th-," I said being cut off.

"I'm coming too jade don't even say some dumb shit," Mattheo said.

"Jade save me some weed," mom said looking at me sipping her wine.

"Ok love you,"

"Love you too sweetie,"

I ran up the stairs with Mattheo chasing me. We made it too my room and Draco was already smoking the weed.

I sat next to him and he blew the smoke into my mouth as I sat down.

"Spin the bottle guys?" Ginny said looking at everyone.

"Yes but me and Mattheo are brother and sister so that's a no and no one and get jealous we all are in a relationship except Mattheo but still these kisses mean nothing got it," I said.

"Yeah got it," Draco said.

"I'm talking about you Draco,"

"Oh fuck off star,"

I kissed him on the cheeck.

Ginny spinned the bottle and it landed on Mattheo.

Ginny walked over too theo and straddled on him and made out with him for like 20 seconds then she got off of him and say next too Jay.

After a few more spins Draco landed on Mattheo and they kissed. It was hilarious.

I was high as fuck so was Ginny. Jay and Draco and Mattheo all tucked in me and Ginny.

Everyone gave me a kiss on the forehead and they did the same with Ginny.

I felt my heart warm up and I felt happy really happy. I was here with amazing friends and a amazing family. I really could not ask for a better life than this.

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