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Mentions of rape, suicidal thoughts. please don't continue reading if you can't handle it.


After everything with Jay and I we both agreed to not  get so high every again or at least during school hours. I had my classes today and i had too go since I skipped yesterday with Jay. First class was potions. Jay and i talked and we weren't going to fuck it up this time.

I walked in and Ginny is sitting with Jay and the only seat open is next too draco. Why does it have to be draco why not someone else all he is going to do is bug me. I walked over to Jay and smacked his head. He looked back at me and made a funny face.

I walked towards draco. He put his bag right where the seat was next to him. I pushed his bag onto the floor dramatically. As i sat i heard someone whistle i assumed my skirt went up a little bit. I turned back and it was some fat chubby dude i think he was one of draco's minions.

I walked up to him.

"What's your name sweetheart?"  He said looking up and down at me.

"Jade Valentine but you won't remember by the time i'm done with you," i said getting up close into his face.

"my do-," he was going to say.

Until i punched him right in the middle of his face. He winced in pain but i didn't stop. I pulled his collar on his shirt and tossed him to the ground. I kicked his ribs harder and harder every time. His face was all bloody and he was crying and screaming at me to stop at this point i didn't tho.

I stood over him. "Next time think about who your going to whistle too sweetheart," i said standing up and fixing my skirt padding it from any dust and cleaning my bloody fist with the dudes robe.

I sat back down to my seat right next to draco.

"You have some blood still on your knuckle let me get th-," he tried saying.

"I'm good i can do it," i said slapping his hand that was about to touch my hand to wipe the blood off.

Snape walked into the classroom and saw the little boy on the floor bleeding and crying. He rushed over to him. He checked for a pulse i didn't really care about weather he was alive or not to be honest.

"Who did this," he said turning his face towards the class.

I looked around to see if anyone was going to answer but everyone's eyes went on to me and i looked at them with a death stare so they know not to say a word. No one did they all stood quiet.

Snape took him to the hospital wing. Why he left us all by yourself. I Went to use the bathroom cause i had to go. I was walking down the hall when i remembered i didn't know where the fuck the bathroom were. I went back into the class and got Jay and told him to show me where it was.

He walked me down and the inside was nice It had a big water fountain in the middle of the bathroom. The stalls had nice painted doors with a lot of messages some good some bad.the tiles were a light purple and green and yellow and a maroon color i am pretty sure they represented the houses.

I went to the stall pulled my pants down and started to pee.

"Hello there you look very nice," a strange voice said as i was literally pissing.

"Who the fuck is their," i said as i started to pull my pants up and unlock the stall door.

"Im myrtle but people call me moaning myrtle," Myrtle said coming towards me.

"Your a ghost." i said looking at her full image.

"Yup im pretty much dead," she said laughing a little bit.

"What happened if you don't mind me asking," i said 

"some girls threw some heavy textbooks at me and i got hit in the head," she said starting to cry.

"I'm sorry to hear that dont cry its ok," i said trying to comfort her.

I washed my hands and she still kinda kept talking she was super sweet when i finished drying my hands i waved bye to her and opened the door and Jay was waiting there for me. Leaning Up against the wall.

"God you scared me, There Is some ghost in their and she is very emotional and is nice but weird," i said talking really fast for some reason. 

"Yeah she got killed by some girls no one knows where they are tho they disappeared after that," he said starting to walk back to the classroom.

We made it back to the class when snape was in the middle of teaching a lesson. I made it quietly to my seat next to draco. where draco literally stared at me.

"stop staring at me creep," i said looking at him in the corner of my eye.

"Why were you in the bathroom with Jason?" he asked me.

"none of your business," i said looking dead in his eyes.

He dropped his quill so he went to pick it up as he did his hand slightly touched my thigh making me jump and flinch. The memories came flooding back. I felt my eyes water up. I shut my legs tight. I could hear the voices again.


"No please dont," i said underneath his hold.

"Shut up no one is going to hear you," he said in my ear as he pulled my pants down.

I tried to close my eyes wanting it to go away. I felt him in me. I screamed and kicked with all of my power. It was no use he was going to rape me.

I layed there numb not being able to feel anything. He had slapped me multiple times.

He finished and left. I just took my pillow and cried into it for the rest of the night. i wanted to die.


"STOP IT STOP STOP," i said sobbing threw every word.

Jay ran over to me and ginny draco took me in his arms and i could feel his black suit and the smell of him going threw my nose. 

"Jade clam down we are right here," i felt jay touch my hand.

My visions were gone. But Jay was screaming to stop know.


"No please dont," She said underneath his hold.

"Shut up no one is going to hear you," he said in her ear as he pulled her pants down.

I tried to close my eyes wanting it to go away. I felt him in me. I screamed and kicked with all of my power. It was no use he was going to rape me.

I layed there numb not being able to feel anything. He had slapped me multiple times.

He finished and left. I just took my pillow and cried into it for the rest of the night. i wanted to die.


"DAD STOP DAD STOP," Jay was screaming.

I took his hand and i saw myself but Jay was holding my hand right next to me. I watched my uncle do those things to me and jay was next to me screaming "DAD GET OFF OF HER."

We both got back to reality with tears in our eyes.

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